Sunday, October 26, 2008


False Cognates (also known as false friends) are words that, due to their origin, seem to have a certain meaning in the Portuguese language, but the meaning is completely different. Here is a list of these important words:

False Cognates with their meanings in Portuguese:
actually = realmente, de fato
addiction = vício
anthem = hino
arrest = prender
assist = auxiliar, ajudar
attend = frequentar, assistir
baton = cassetete
beef = carne bovina
chute = queda d´água
cigar = charuto
college = faculdade
comprehensive = abrangente
convict = presidiário
costume = traje
data = dados, informações
divert = desviar
educated = instruído
enroll = matricular (se)
eventually = finalmente
exit = saída
expert = especialista
fabric = tecido
file = arquivo
gripe = queixa
idiom = expressão idiomática
ingenious = engenhoso
intend = pretender
large = grande
lecture = palestra
legend = lenda
library = biblioteca
lunch = almoço
magazine = revista
malicious = maldoso
mayor = prefeito
motto = lema
notice = perceber
novel = romance
ordinary = comum
parents = pais
particular = específico
pasta = massa
petrol = gasolina
physician = médico
policy = apólice, política
pork = carne suína
prejudice = preconceito
preservative = conservante
pretend = fingir
push = empurrar
realize = perceber
record = gravar,registrar
resume = recomeçar
retire = aposentar-se
scholar = erudito, letrado
sensible = sensato
stranger = estranho
sort = tipo
supercilious = arrogante, convencido
syllabus = programa(de disciplina)
sympathetic = solidário
tax = imposto
tenant = inquilino
terrific = ótimo
travesty = paródia
vest = colete

By Milton França/2008.

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