Wednesday, August 31, 2011

5 Kekuatan Superhero yang Berhasil Diciptakan Oleh Para Ilmuwan

1. Kemampuan Penglihatan Superman Dalam Menembus Dinding

Camero’s Xaver 800, produk yang menggunakan radar gelombang mikro untuk menembus dinding dan proyek pencitraan 3-D dari apa pun yang bersembunyi di balik dinding-dinding.
Menurut perusahaan pembuatnya, alat ini dapat digunakan untuk mencitrakan menembus dinding tua biasa, batu bata tanah liat, blok sinder dan bahkan struktur beton bertulang, semuanya ditembus Xaver 800.

Walaupun seperti Superman, alat ini juga punya punya kryptonite (kelemahan) nya, perangkat ini tidak dapat melihat menembus logam solid.

Perusahaan-perusahaan lain juga masuk ke bisnis visi sinar-X. Fisik Optik Corporation menawarkan perangkat genggam yang disebut LEXID, yang dapat mengungkapkan selundupan tersembunyi di balik tembok, di mobil dan dalam wadah lain

2. Kemampuan Perekat Spiderman Untuk Menempel Pada Dinding

Para ilmuwan telah bekerja untuk mengembangkan perekat sintetis yang meniru cicak selama bertahun-tahun, dan seperti sebuah penemuan sangat dekat untuk menjadi kenyataan, berkat metode baru yang menggunakan plastik untuk membuat struktur mikroskopis serupa.

Dalam semua kemungkinan, ruangan akan menjadi tujuan pertama untuk mencoba perekat kering baru. Saat ini, idenya adalah bahwa teknologi akan membantu robot dalam eksplorasi batas akhir.

Ide ini sepenuhnya masuk akal, bahwa prinsip yang sama pada akhirnya dapat diterapkan untuk menggantikan perekat sehari-hari dimana orang akan mulai terbiasa.

3. Kekuatan Otot Super HULK

Berkley Bionics dan Lockheed Martin Human Universal Load Carrier (HULC) exoskeletons adalah contoh dari inovasi tersebut. HULC, melalui kaki titanium nya, mengubah pemakainya menjadi kuat.

Kaki titanium dipasang ke bingkai backpacklike dengan seperangkat unit tenaga dan mikrokomputer on-board kecil. Salah satu fitur HULC paling mengesankan adalah fakta bahwa ia tidak memerlukan joystick atau mekanisme kontrol manual. Perangkat dapat merasakan gerakan yang dimaksudkan operator, dan bereaksi sesuai keinginan.


4. Kekuatan Neo ‘The Matrix’ dalam Menghentikan Laju Peluru

IBM mengajukan paten untuk Bionic Body Armor, yang akan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas tersebut, pada awal 2009. Perangkat ini akan memberikan stimuliasi / reflek kejut kepada pemakainya yang pada gilirannya akan menyebabkan gerakan refleksif dalam arah yang berlawanan dari sebuah laju proyektil yang mengancam.

Smart armor ini masih sedang dikembangkan dalam bentuk cairan pelindung tubuh. Satu versi menggunakan cairan magnetorheological (MFS), yang menebal bila terkena medan magnet, dan lainnya menggunakan cairan geser-penebalan (STFs), yang mengeras bila ada stimulasi atau disambar paksa oleh suatu objek.

5. Kemampuan Storm (X-Men) dalam Memanipulasi Cuaca

Di awal tahun 1998 sebuah projek yang bernama HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) dicurigai tengah mengembangkan sebuah senjata pamungkas berdasarkan konsep-konsep “mesin gempa bumi” Nikola Tesla.

Projek ini menurut sebagian kalangan bertanggung jawab terhadap beberapa peristiwa gempa besar, seperti gempa bumi 7,8 skala Richter (SR) di Sichuan China 12 Mei 2008, gempa bumi 7,0 SR di Haiti 12 Januari 2010, dan gempa bumi 8,8 SR di Chile 27 Februari 2010.

Ketika Haiti diguncang gempa bumi berkekuatan 7,0 SR pada 12 Januari 2010 dan menewaskan sekitar 200.000 orang, banyak media massa yang melansir pernyataan Presiden Hugo Chavez kepada surat kabar Spanyol ABC.

Dalam berita disebutkan pemimpin Venezuela itu menuduh AS menyebabkan kehancuran di Haiti dengan menguji coba “senjata tektonik”. Media massa Venezuela pun melaporkan bahwa gempa bumi ini mungkin terkait dengan projek yang disebut HAARP, sebuah sistem yang dapat menghasilkan perubahan iklim yang tak terduga dan keras.

Salah seorang pakar dari Phillips Geophysics Lab yang ambil bagian dalam projek HAARP pernah mengungkapkan adanya riset yang diarahkan untuk menciptakan perangkat-perangkat pemicu bencana alam.

Menurut dia, AS pernah menggunakan gelombang elektromagnetik berfrekuensi sangat rendah (extremely low frequency, ELF) yang mampu menembus lapisan tanah dan lautan hingga ratusan kilometer di dalam perut bumi. Melalui modifikasi khusus, gelombang itu mampu menggerakkan lempeng tektonik bumi.

Pembuatan senjata semacam ini memang telah diprediksi sebelumnya. Mantan penasihat keamanan Gedung Putih Zbigniew Brzezinski dalam bukunya “Between Two Ages,” menulis, “Teknologi baru akan menyediakan teknik untuk melakukan peperangan rahasia yang hanya membutuhkan sedikit pasukan, seperti teknik memodifikasi cuaca yang dapat menimbulkan badai yang berkepanjangan.”

Keberadaan senjata jenis ekologi bukanlah fiksi ilmiah. Seorang pakar kesehatan dan lingkungan bernama Dr. Rosalie Bertell mengonfirmasi bahwa militer AS sedang mengerjakan sebuah sistem pengatur cuaca sebagai senjata potensial.

Metodenya termasuk mengendalikan badai dan mengatur arah penguapan air di atmosfer bumi untuk menghasilkan banjir di tempat tertentu.

Dugaan ini pun diperkuat Marc Fil-terman, mantan pejabat militer Prancis yang mengatakan AS telah memiliki teknologi untuk memanipulasi frekuensi radio untuk melepaskan kondisi cuaca tertentu seperti badai dan topan.


Russian Red - I Hate You But I Love You

(Fuerteventura - 2011)


Demi Lovato en '' Cantantes Al Caliente ''


Kalwi & Remi feat. Amanda Wilson - You & I

(Kiss Me Girl - 2011)


Lady Gaga - You And I

(Born This Way - 2011)

Sistema prisional

Joe Arpaio é o xerife do Condadode Maricopa no Arizona já há bastante tempo e continua sendo re-eleito a cada nova eleição.Ele criou a 'cadeia-acampamento', que são várias tendas de lona, cercadas por arame farpado e vigiado por guardas como numa prisão normal.Baixou os custos da refeição para 40 centavos de dólar que os detentos, inclusive, têm de pagar.Proibiu fumar, não permite a circulação de revistas pornográficas dentro da prisão e nem permite que os detentos pratiquem halterofilismo.Começou a montar equipes de detentos que,acorrentados uns aos outros, (chain gangs), são levados à cidade para prestarem serviços para a comunidade e trabalhar nos projetos do condado.Para não ser processado por discriminação racial, começou a montar equipes de detentas também, nos mesmos moldes das equipes de detentos.
Cortou a TV a cabo dos detentos, mas quando soube que TV a cabo nas prisões era uma determinação judicial, religou, mas só entra o canal do Tempo e da Disney.

Quando perguntado por que o canal do tempo, respondeu que era para os detentos saberem que temperatura vão enfrentar durante o dia quando estiverem prestando serviço na comunidade, trabalhando nas estradas, construções, etc.
Em 1994, cortou o café, alegando que além do baixo valor nutritivo, estava protegendo os próprios detentos e os guardas que já haviam sido atacados com café quente por outros detentos, sem falar na economia aos cofres públicos de quase US$ 100,000.00/ano.
Quando os detentos reclamaram, ele respondeu:
- Isto aqui não é hotel 5 estrelas e se vocês não gostam, comportem-se como homens e não voltem mais.
Distribuiu uma série de vídeos religiosos aos prisioneiros e não permite quaisquer outros tipos de vídeo na prisão.
Perguntado se não teria alguns vídeos com o programa do partido democrata para distribuir aos detentos, respondeu que nem se tivesse, pois provavelmente essa era a causa da maioria dos presos ali estarem.
Com a temperatura batendo recordes a cada semana, uma agência de notícias publicou:
Com a temperatura atingindo 116º F (47º C), em Phoenix no Arizona, mais de 2000 detentos na prisão acampamento de Maricopa tiveram permissão de tirar o uniforme da prisão e ficar só de shorts, (cor-de-rosa), que os detentos recebem do governo.
Na última quarta feira, centenas de detentos estavam recolhidos às barracas, aonde a temperatura chegou a atingir a marca de 138º F (60º C).
Muitos com toalhas cor de rosa enroladas no pescoço estavam completamente encharcados de suor. Parece que a gente está dentro de um forno, disse James Zanzot que cumpriu pena nessas tendas por um ano.
Joe Arpaio, o xerife durão que inventou a prisão-acampamento, faz com que os detentos usem uniformes cor-de-rosa e não faz questão alguma de parecer simpático.
Diz ele aos detentos:
- Nossos soldados estão no Iraque onde a temperatura atinge 120° F (50° C), vivem em tendas iguais a vocês, e ainda tem de usar fardamento, botinas, carregar todo o equipamento de soldado e, além de tudo, não cometeram crime algum como vocês, portanto calem a boca e parem de reclamar.
Se houvessem mais prisões como essa, talvez o número de criminosos e reincidentes diminuísse consideravelmente.
Criminosos têm de ser punidos pelos crimes que cometeram e não serem tratados a pão-de-ló, tendo do bom e melhor, até serem soltos pra voltar a cometer os mesmos crimes e voltar para a vida na prisão, cheia de regalias e reivindicações.
Muitos cidadãos honestos, cumpridores da lei, e pagadores de impostos não tem, por vezes, as mesmas regalias que esses bandidos têm na prisão.
(*) Artigo extraído e traduzido de um documentário da televisão Americana...
Os fatos acima são verídicos e a prisão-acampamento está em Maricopa - Arizona.


Toda la musica nueva, flamante y actualizada te la presentamos en nuestros ya conocidos bloques melomanos.


Nuestras joters mas preciosas ahora nos llegan de Japon y vienen tal como vinieron al mundo oriental.


Otra vez reciclamos la red y te mostramos los audiovisuales animados de antologia.


Ahora el especial musical va para la artista mas extraña talentosa considerada como la diosa de la alternatividad musical osea nos referimos a Bjork todo su trabajo sonoro te lo mostramos.


Ahora MTV Latinoamerica premia a los videojuegos y aqui en el blog le damos toda la covertura necesaria.


El humor, lo paranormal e insolito, lo sensual y sexual y un conteo de a diez te espera una vez por semana en bloques originales.


#5 Hoot - Girls' Generation (play)

#4 Candyman - Christina Aguilera (play)

Smooth Criminal - Michael Jackson - (play)

#2 But I'ts Better If You Do - Panic! At The Disco (play)

#1 Beautiful Girls - Sean Kingston (play)



Uno de las mejores y mas importantes grupos del genero rock contemporaneo cumple 8 años de trayectoria con tan solo tres discos en su haber donde se incluye el ultimo para este año, se ha posisionado como una exitosa banda con grandes trabajos musicales reconocido por su poderoso sonido pero a la vez sublime que conquista a cuanto publico lo escuche. A la cabeza como lider Amy Lee quien durante todo este tiempo ha estado componiendo de manera casi unica para estos tres albums y a todos los integrantes que han estado entrando y saliendo de la banda se les reconoce de manera magistral su talento y esfuerzo por ello aqui toda su antologia musical.


Evanescence - What You Want (single)

(Evanescence - 2011)


Evanescence - Bring Me To Life

(Fallen - 2003)


Evanescence - Call Me When You're Sober

(The Open Door - 2006)


Evanescence - My Immortal

(Fallen - 2004)


Evanescence - Lithium

Cover por Blone On Brown

(The Open Door - 2006)


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Daryl Hannah Arrested

Daryl Hannah Arrested: Daryl Hannah has donned a familiar accessory in front of the White House today - Handcuffs - after being arrested during a protest pipeline.
The actress turned activist has been dismantled with several other protesters - as they sat on the sidewalk in front of the White House and has ignored three requests from police to move.
Daryl is an old pro when it comes to being arrested - the saying ".
It is sometimes necessary to sacrifice the freedom to greater freedom and we want to be free from a terrible death and destruction, that fossil fuels are causing, and have a future of clean energy Hannah was arrested after the famous decree of traffic in West Virginia in 2009 - to block a busy street during a protest against mining practices.Daryl Hannah Arrested

Daryl Hannah Arrested info

Daryl Hannah Arrested info: Actress Daryl Hannah can add another arrest to her resume later she was taken away in handcuffs on Tuesday while protesting a proposed pipeline in front of the White House. Hannah and dozens of others had been protesting the controversial 40 tar sands pipeline, which President Obama lately authorized, much to the chagrin of environmentalists. Sometimes it's necessity to sacrifice your freedom for a greater freedom," Hannah said earlier her arrest, according to NBC. "And we want to be free from the frightful death and destruction that fossil fuels reason, and have a clean energy future. The proposed pipeline would stretch 1700 miles, carrying oil from tar sands in Canada to the refineries in the Gulf. Over five hundred folks have been arrested since protests first began on Aug twenty, agreeing to the group Tar Sands Action, which has been organizing the protests. Hannah has been arrested multiple times in the past for participating in non-violent protests. In 2006, Hannah was arrested for camping out in a tree in an attempt to block the bulldozing of a community garden in Los Angeles, and again in 2009 for protesting mountain top mining in West Virginia.Daryl Hannah Arrested info

Monday, August 29, 2011


I was over at Alli and Kevin’s last night watching Ulitmate Fighting Champion.  Last night’s match was between the undefeated champion Anderson Silva and some Asian dude named Yushin Okami that looked like J McNasty.  Silva is widely regarded as possibly the greatest fighter of all time, though I’d never heard of him.  The fight starts and Silva starts doing a little dance.  He bobs and weaves.  He throws mock jabs and kicks, then he throws a little hip thrust.  It is obvious that he is studying the reactions of his opponent and the information is being compiled in his computer-like brain-piece.  A brain-piece that is faster than an I-7 processor.  By the end of the first round, Silva has barely received a blow.  He is at 100% capacity while his opponent hovers around 80%.  With all of his information compiled, Silva is ready to destroy Okami. 

Silva.  Jedi Master 

Having already decided that the other guy stands no chance, Silva puts on a show.  He drops his arms to his sides.  His opponent throws lightning quick jabs at his head and Silva dodges every one.  His neck moves with the quickness of a cobra strike, almost imperceptible to the human eye.  When the time is right, Silva strikes.  A single jab to the face that seems to come from nowhere drops his opponent to the mat.  Instead of pouncing and finishing him off, Silva stands there mockingly.  Okami gets up, obviously shaken, and it is apparent in his face that he is afraid.  After years of training and becoming one of the best cage fighters in the world, he now understands that he is the mouse and Silva is the cat.  The fight is simply unfair.  Silva’s arms are at his side.   His opponent tries futilely to land a punch, anywhere, anything, but Silva’s reflexes are unmatched.   When Silva decides the time is right, he finishes the fight and stands victorious at nearly 100% capacity.  He is barely winded after a title bout with one of the best fighters in the world. 
Oh, I'm sorry, were you trying to punch me?

It was possibly the greatest feat of athleticism I have ever seen.  Silva defines domination in the ring.  Alli was saying that the UFC cannot find anyone in the world that stands a chance against him, not even a remote chance.  And they need someone to beat him because his fights are almost boring and come with a guaranteed outcome.  Probably not good for pay-per-view sales. 
Highlight reel.  I'm not even really a fan of fighting.  It's the absolute mastery of his game that impresses me.   

I left their house in the dark, pumped with adrenaline, and headed back up into the canyon.  I was absolutely impressed having seen a true Jedi-master at work.  I actively thought about Silva’s training.  A trainer throws a small rubber ball at his face for hours and his duty is to dodge it, which he does.  My mind drifted until something caught my eye.  A raccoon darted into the road.  I engaged my lightning reflexes and dodged to the right, narrowly avoiding the coon.  My heart raced as I corrected to avoid a fishtail.  Still trying to keep Max from flipping on his side, a skunk raced out to test me.  I flicked to the left into the other lane with the quickness of a cobra.  Then I immediately hit a frog.  Splat!  Seriously, come on nature, cut me some slack.

What it spoke to me is that we climbers can barely call ourselves athletes compared to the athletic prowess and intense training methods found in some other sports.  Some of the best outdoor climbers in the world spend their days sleeping till noon, smoking pot, and then casually trying hard for a few intense moments when it ‘feels right.’  This is nothing compared to the intensity of a scheduled title bout in front of tens of thousands of people. 

I slept until 10:45 today, something I haven’t done since high school, over half my life ago.   I say this because I find it ridiculous that I feel compelled to write about a miniscule achievement in my personal life that does not even compare to something actually noteworthy like dominating an opponent in the Octagon.  But climbing is my passion and represents something that I’m absolutely addicted to and love.  It means something to me and when I accomplish a personal goal I like to share those experiences with my family and friends.  In the grand scheme of life, it means nothing.  But to me it means a little something and so I will share my experiences and thoughts on the route Astroglide.
Elissa on the classic route Sprout in the Pipedream cave, Maple Canyon, Utah. 
I spent nearly the entire summer climbing here at Ten Sleep Canyon, Wyoming.  Elissa and I left to attend the tradeshow at the beginning of August and dabbled at Maple Canyon and Logan Canyon.  She flew out of Salt Lake, leaving Lilah and myself alone on the road.  We visited Nick Duttle in Colorado briefly but Ten Sleep was calling me back.  There was one project that I hadn’t tried that nagged in my mind.  Astroglide was listed as 5.14+ in the back of the book, a claim as the hardest route in Ten Sleep and still an unsent project.  I knew I had to go back and try it just to make sure it was impossible for me.

 Upon returning, I went straight to it and surprised myself by doing all the moves on the first day.  I was incredibly excited as I immediately knew I could do it with some work.  My second day on the route I went for a link and promptly split a tip.  Blood oozed out from a tiny gash about 1/8th of an inch from the tip.  The holds were small and the split was telling me that this was going to be skin intensive, requiring a lot of time and rest.  Routes that eat skin are the worst.  Constantly monitoring skin growth is like watching paint dry, sometimes requiring days of rest between serious attempts.  Boring, just like this blog post so I’ll cut to the chase and tell you that I eventually sent it after about two weeks of effort.  
 The holds on Astroglide are small and wreaked havoc on my skin.

I am very happy to have been able to send this project.   It is a beautiful piece of rock though I must say it isn't quite a five star route.  The crux section starts immediately off the ground and stays sustained for about 35 feet.  After that is finishes up a 5.12c slab to the top of the cliff.  It’s barely overhanging on very small holds and very technical.  I have to note a few things about how I climbed it. 
Kevin Wilkinson bolted Astroglide a few years ago.  He tried it and said, “It didn’t go well.”  The only other person to try it was James Litz when he came through last summer and easily dispatched everything including Ten Sleep’s actual two hardest routes, General Litzenheimer (5.14c) and Porcelein (5.14b).  At the fourth bolt, James worked the intended sequence straight up to the fifth bolt, avoiding a good edge out left.  After the crux section the rock slabs out a bit and a full recovery is possible.  James climbed straight above the fifth adding another ridiculously hard section before the relatively easy finishing slab.  He estimated that the route, in this fashion was potentially 5.14c.  Though obviously capable, James didn’t return to send the route. 
Astroglide, a slippery little dude. 

When a much weaker climber such as myself came to try the route, I knew right away that staying within the confines of the gold streak was not only ridiculously hard, but also contrived.   Though it would have been a harder and cooler way to do it straight up I knew it would be silly to invest time in something I couldn’t do and furthermore, something that someone else would eventually find a better sequence for and downgrade radically.  So I strayed slightly left at the fourth and far left at the fifth, clipping all the bolts on the route.  This is the easiest sequence and though not as straight and narrow as the intended sequence, it makes the most sense. 

It’s still pretty hard though.  A breakdown of the crux would be: 15 feet of V8 ending at the clipping hold of the third bolt, straight into a 4 move V9/10, to a very poor shake on the aforementioned ‘good edge’ just above the fourth bolt, then a final V7 before the 5.12c finishing slab. 

I’m calling this 5.14a but again have to clarify on what that means.  You’ll note that in the video I call this 5.14a/b.  I hate slash grades more than anyone but can’t think of an easier way out for this route.  Based on all of my previous life experiences climbing at many different crags I think that 5.14a is appropriate but based solely on my experiences here at Ten Sleep it would be 5.14b.  It is definitely a big step up from the other four 5.14a’s here but not as hard as Litz’s Porcelein (5.14b).  Based solely on Ten Sleep grades  I would think 5.14b but I refuse to believe I climb that grade, especially in as little as two weeks. 

Right after I did Astroglide I also sent He Biggum which is just to the right and shares the same first move.  I must say that calling Astroglide 5.14a when He Biggum is 5.13d is ridiculous.  Astroglide is worlds harder.  After long talks with Kevin, Alli and J Mcnasty, the general consensus is that, “Grades are fucked.”  They are and always will be.  Take it with a grain of salt.  Just know that Astroglide is harder than the 5.14a’s and easier than Litz’s two routes at French Cattle Ranch.       

The other thing to take into account is the morphological aspect of difficulty on vertical terrain.  The crux move is a very difficult stab to a 2 finger crimp sidepull pocket thing out left.  I can barely keep my right foot on a tiny knob that allows me to push to the hold.  If you can’t reach the hold from the foot knob, that move will be exponentially harder.  If you have fat fingers, this route will be exponentially harder.  Basically, if you are not shaped to my exact specifications (5’10”, plus 1 ape index, 124 pounds), this route will probably be harder than 5.14a.  So the slash grade also indicates: 5.14a for me, 5.14b for you.  Ha!!  Pretty funny.

If you’re still reading, I feel very sorry for you.  My rants are pathetic.  But before you watch the video I have to note one final thing.  This video is entirely sarcastic.  I’ve quickly learned by posting shenanigans on DPM that many people don’t understand sarcasm and I come off as an arrogant toolshed.  People that can’t appreciate sarcastic humor are the worst of the worst in my opinion and should be lined up and shot to rid the world of the waste of space that they are.  I’m kidding!  That’s sarcasm.  It turns out that there are many people that don’t get it: Autistic, learning disabled, and under the age of four to name a few.  If you fit this profile, you won’t get it so don’t watch.  If you just want to see the climbing footage and don’t want to watch all the shenanigans, skip to minute 7:00.  I also have to note that the climbing footage was all shot from the ground, mostly by tripod, so it’s not the best.          
        Click the Crushmore Crew for video.


Selamat Idul Fitri 1432 H / 2011 M | Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Bathin

Saya sebagai admin Pelitedabo beserta keluarga mengucapkan,

"Selamat Idul Fitri 1432 H / 2011 M"
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin
Mohon Maaf Lahir & Bathin

Kepada pengunjung serta kepada rekan dan sobat semua, Jika ada dalam penyajian blog ini yang kurang berkenan yang tanpa sepengetahuan saya, serta apa yang ada dalam blog ini dirasa kurang memuaskan, dan mungkin juga terhadap kata dan ucapan baik dalam postingan ataupun komentar balik dari saya yang mungkin saja terdapat kata – kata yang tidak enak, semua itu tidak lain merupakan keterbatasan dan kekurangan yang saya miliki, atas segala salah dan khilaf saya mohon maaf.

Semoga Idul Fitri ini menjadikan momentum terbaik bagi kita untuk kembali ke fitrah sebagai makhluk yang suci dan terampuni segala dosa. Amiin.

Us Open Tennis

Us Open Tennis: Only a few years ago, much of the software sold operating systems and middleware from IBM. Issues, no doubt, but not very sexy, the transition to Analytics has changed things. For example, we offer very good software for the championship of New York at the U.S. Open tennis, which starts today and build a crescendo in the last two weeks. Credit: TigerPuppala Credit: TigerPuppala IBM’s sponsorship of the championships gives us the opportunity to showcase amazing new technologies for some of the most sophisticated tennis fans in the world. During this year’s championships, fans and broadcasters alike will be able to enjoy matches with a depth of understanding far beyond anything they have experienced at the tournament before. That’s thanks to U.S. Open PointStream, a new match analysis feature on the U.S. Open Web site. PointStream represents a great leap forward for tennis fans. Last year, fans were given a wealth of statistical information on players and games on the site. But now, thanks to points downstream, they can access in-depth analysis spelling out what each player must do to increase their chances of winning a battle where the fight takes place in real time, and when the momentum is shifting. points flow also indicates a new level of technical sophistication of the new world which is to deepen our understanding of almost all human effort . Thanks to new analytics capabilities, people are able to gather huge quantities of pertinent information about nearly any topic, extract insights, and get up-to-the second updates about what’s happening and why. At IBM, we call this the smarter planet. When we started talking about the smarter planet nearly three years ago, it was a vision of what could be. Now, after more than 2,000 engagements with clients, it’s a firm reality. Here’s how you’ll experience the magic of analytics on the U.S. Open Web site: When you click on the PointStream feature, up will pop a “dashboard” that displays key dimensions of an individual match, including an assessment of how the two players have performed against each other in the past. PointStream identifies three Keys to the Match for each player. While the match goes on, PointStream not only displays scoring as it happens and statistics such as aces, unforced errors and winners; but it tracks each player’s on-going performance against the Keys to the Match. You’ll see graphically who is performing as well as they must to win, and who is not. The interface also identifies potential turning points as they happen–and you will see a “confidence meter” that tells how confident PointStream is that it is spotting momentum shifts accurately. Providing an experience like this is no trivial task. IBM gathered more than 39 million data points from play at the four Grand Slam tournaments going back five years. Engineers have built a sophisticated database and using a powerful predictive analytics to find the key to the game. Point flow is designed for tennis fans, but we expect television commentators of the US Open to make the most of the public, as well. CBS and ESPN plans to use it. Point flow and its descendants will never replace an analyst cracker-jack that tennis legend John McEnroe, but they will give him and his brothers a lot more to talk about during those boring moments when the players change sides during the long drinks of water or replacing their rackets on the side yard

Eid Al Fitr

Eid Al Fitr: During Ramadan, Muslims observe a strict fast and participate in pious activities such as charitable giving and peace. Is a time of intense spiritual renewal for those who observe it? At the end of Ramadan, Muslims around the world observe a joyous three-day celebration called Eid al-Fitr (the Feast of Breaking the Fast). Answer: Eid al-Fitr falls on the first day of Shawwal, the month which follows Ramadan in the Islamic calendar. It is a time to give in charity to those in need, and celebrate with family and friends the completion of a month of blessings and joy. Before the day of Eid, during the last few days of Ramadan, each Muslim family gives a determined amount as a donation to the poor. This donation is of actual food -- rice, barley, dates, rice, etc. -- to ensure that the needy can have a holiday meal and participate in the celebration. This donation is known as sadaqah al-fitr (charity of fast-breaking). On the day of Eid, Muslims gather early in the morning in outdoor locations or mosques to perform the Eid prayer. This consists of a sermon followed by a short congregational prayer. After the Eid prayer, Muslims usually scatter to visit family and friends different, give gifts (especially for children), and make phone calls to distant relatives to give well wishes for the holidays. These activities traditionally continue for three days. In most Muslim countries throughout the period of three days, a government official / school holidays,


Gaji Orang Indonesia

Suatu ketika terjadi perbincangan hangat antara orang Indonesia dan Amerika mengenai gaji yang mereka dapat setiap bulan.

Orang Amerika : Kalau saya sebulan dapat 10.000 dolar, 2.500 untuk makan, 1.500 untuk transpor, 2.000 untuk kebutuhan lain, 1.000 beli pakaian, 2.000 untuk liburan…...

Orang Indonesia : Lalu sisanya untuk apa?

Orang Amerika : (ketus) Itu bukan urusan anda, anda tak perlu bertanya, kalau penghasilan anda?

Orang Indonesia : Gaji saya Rp950 ribu, Rp450 ribu untuk tempat tinggal, Rp350 ribu untuk makan, Rp250 ribu untuk transport, Rp200 ribu untuk sekolah anak, Rp200 ribu, bayar cicilan pinjaman, ... Rp100 ribu untuk.....

Orang Amerika : Uang itu melebihi gaji anda, sisanya dapat dari mana?

Orang Indonesia : Begini Mister, uang yang kurang, itu urusan saya, anda tidak berhak bertanya-tanya!

Resultado da oficina de edição

Durante os meses de julho e agosto, como muitos sabem, realizamos a maratona de Oficinas Antenados. Nesse período os integrantes aprenderam: Fotografia, cinegrafia, jornalismo e edição de imagens. No link para relembrar.

A novidade é que para finalizar a Oficina de Edição de Imagens, os integrantes da oficina participaram de uma espécie de competição, na qual, editaram a mesma matéria- Oficina de Colagem com Bruno Martins. A melhor matéria seria a oficial e consequentemente postada no Blog.

Através de uma votação a matéria editada por Henrique Oliveira foi escolhida.

Parabéns Henrique e a todos que participaram da oficina: Cleidiane Duarte, André dos Santos, Rebeca Descarpontriez, Lucas Menezes e Geise Alcântara.

E como prometido, segue abaixo a matéria vencedora.

Fotos: Henrique Oliveira

Sunday, August 28, 2011



yeaah.. raye...

after 30 days fasting without complaint. we the muslim going to celebrate our winning days after ramadhan.

i got full mark for fasting...  i feel sorry for the ladies since they never got full days fasting. haha.. sorry.

without further due while waiting for the old man to announce it at tv...

sorry for everything.. zahir wa batin...

selamat hari raye... and happy national day too..




Anderson diz que se emocionou com vitória de Minotauro: 'chorei como criança'