As imagens foram mostradas no programa Jimmy Kimmel Live
Em uma entrevista no programa de Jimmy Kimmel, entrevistando o Johnny Knoxville, ele conta como foi a participação da cantora Britney Spears no filme.
E no vídeo mostra a cantora entrando em um banheiro químico, e tipicamente é arremaçado para o alto e voando sei la o que seja la dentro pra todo lado.
O mais engraçado é ela furiosa no final haha :
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Passeio cultural pela orla da Lagoa da Pampulha
Casa do Baile, Museu de Arte Moderna e trabalhos de paisagismo de Burle Marx fizeram parte do roteiro cultural do projeto Antenados junto aos Jovens de Futuro da Missão Ramacrisna.
No passeio, obras de extremo valor histórico e cultural foram apreciadas. Por exemplo, um trabalho do Paisagista Burle Marx que infelizmente foi abandonada pela cidade.
Na despedida, conhecemos obras de artistas renomados na Casa do Baile e no Museu de Arte Moderna.
Saiba mais sobre esses importantes patrimônios pelos links:
Mozilla Firefox 4 (Versi Terbaru)
Mozilla Firefox kembali merilis dan mengeluarkan versi terbarunya yaitu Mozilla Firefox 4 yang sudah dapat di download oleh para penggunanya. Pada Mozilla Firefox 4 terbaru ini secara umum tampil beda, mulai dari fitur, performa, interface dan desain.
Mozilla Firefox 4 terbaru menghadirkan arsitektur plug-in bernama JetPack, performa JavaScrpit yang semakin bagus untuk load halaman web atau pun saat start, Mozilla Firefox 4 lebih cepat dari versi sebelumnya.
Mozilla Firefox 4 terbaru menghadirkan arsitektur plug-in bernama JetPack, performa JavaScrpit yang semakin bagus untuk load halaman web atau pun saat start, Mozilla Firefox 4 lebih cepat dari versi sebelumnya.
Ingin mencoba dan mendownload Mozilla Firefox 4 Terbaru, silahkan kunjungi link ini :
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Rodrigo Faro ganha prêmio de melhor apresentador de TV
Ele ganhou o importante troféu APCA, em São Paulo.
Para os que não conhecem, nesta terça-feira dia 29, ocorreu a 55ª entrega do prêmio APCA (Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte).
Evento que premia pessoas no ramos de 'artes' de todo tipo de arte diferente. E premiou o Rodrigo Faro como o melhor apresentador de TV, no caso na categoria de televisão.
Com certeza ele mereceu este prêmio, ele que apresenta O melhor do Brasil e o programa ídolos, todos já devem o conhecer, sabem como ele é um ótimo apresentador, quando for pra ser sério ou engraçado.
Entre vários outros foram premiados em casa categorias diferentes, como o Wagner Moura, que ganhou pelo filme Tropa de Elite 2.
Espero que o Faro continue com o ótimo trabalho, pois os programas que ele apresenta são ótimos, e que cresça cada vez mais.
Para os que não conhecem, nesta terça-feira dia 29, ocorreu a 55ª entrega do prêmio APCA (Associação Paulista dos Críticos de Arte).
Evento que premia pessoas no ramos de 'artes' de todo tipo de arte diferente. E premiou o Rodrigo Faro como o melhor apresentador de TV, no caso na categoria de televisão.
Com certeza ele mereceu este prêmio, ele que apresenta O melhor do Brasil e o programa ídolos, todos já devem o conhecer, sabem como ele é um ótimo apresentador, quando for pra ser sério ou engraçado.
Entre vários outros foram premiados em casa categorias diferentes, como o Wagner Moura, que ganhou pelo filme Tropa de Elite 2.
Espero que o Faro continue com o ótimo trabalho, pois os programas que ele apresenta são ótimos, e que cresça cada vez mais.
Rodrigo Faro,
Wagner Moura
Pria vs Cowok; Wanita vs Cewek
Yang manakah diri anda....??... ^_^..
Tidak semua pria dewasa menjadi 'pria', ada juga yang masih begitukekanakan setelah umurnya mencapai 40. Tenaaaang, jangan keburu marah dulu
dengan kenyataan ini, mungkin memang sebagian orang dilahirkan untuk jadi
'pria',tapi memang ada juga yang cukup menjadi 'cowok' saja. Sekali lagi,
jangan kuatir, terima saja diri Anda sebagai pria (P) atau sebagai cowok
(C), toh semua punya nilai lebih dan kurang tersendiri. Dan yang tak kalah
penting, percayalah kadang wanita tidak peduli. Inilah Perbedaan mendasar
antara seorang PRIA dan COWOK. **
P : Tahu jelas lima tahun lagi ia mau jadi apa
C : Tidak jelas lima menit lagi ia mau berbuat apa
P : Jago membuat wanita merasa tenang
C : Jago membuat cewek merasa senang
P : Bacaannya Jhon Grisham, mainannya golf, tontonannya CNN
C : Bacaannya Harry Potter, mainannya bilyar, tontonannya MTV
P : Sebelum umur 30 sudah banyak uang
C : Sebelum umur 30 sudah banyak dosa
P : Seimbang antara penghasilan dan pemasukan
C : Seimbang antara hutang dan pembayaran minimum
P : Mendukung emansipasi wanita, tapi tetap membayari bon makan wanita
C: Mendukung emansipasi wanita dengan membiarkan wanita bayar sendiri
P : Punya akuntan, penjahit dan dokter langganan
C : Punya salon, kafe dan bengkel langganan
P : Meminta Anda nimbrung ngobrol kalau mamanya menelepon
C : Pura-pura Anda tidak bersamanya jika mamanya menelepon
P : Putus dengan pasangannya sambil berjabatan tangan dan mengakui sulitnya
menjembatani perbedaan antar mereka berdua, diiringi ucapan, "Kita tetap
bisa berteman selamanya."
C : Putus dengan pasangannya sambil kabur dari rumah, merokok
berbatang-batang, plus ucapan, "Jangan undang aku ke pernikahanmu nanti!"
P : Mencintai wanita 10 % pada pertemuan awal dan meningkat terus
C : Mencintai wanita 100 % pada pertemuan awal dan menurun terus
P : Berpikir dewasa seperti orang usia 40 tahun saat berusia 17 tahun
C : Berpikir kekanakan seperti orang usia 17 tahun saat berusia 40 tahun
P : Bisa menang hanya dengan otak dalam konflik
C : Cuma bisa ngamuk, adu mulut, n adu otot kalo konflik
P : Mikirnya "Aku masih kurang pengetahuan, harus belajar lebih banyak"
C : Mikirnya "Aku yang terhebat di muka bumi, siapapun aku hadapin !!!"
P : Otak no 1, digabungin otot kalo kepaksa
C : Otot no 1, ditambah otak, itupun kalo punya
Nah kalau ini si Venus....
Wanita VS Cewek
W: Pengertian dan menerima anda apa adanya. Namun tetap memberi saran yang
mendidik bila anda melakukan kesalahan
C: Menuntut banyak sekali ini itu tanpa melihat kesalahan pada dirinya
sendiri. Akan marah2 atau minimal ngambek kalau anda berbuat salah
W: Selalu berusaha ceria di setiap moment bersama dengan anda.
C: Suka BT tiba2 tanpa sebab dan kalau ditanya kenapa, akan menjawab seolah
tidak ada apa2 dan membuat anda bingung
W: Bisa membuat anda tertawa dan membuat anda makin ingin lebih
menyayanginya setiap hari
C: Selalu menuntut punya cowok yang bisa membuatnya tertawa, namun pada
kenyataannya susah sekali dibuat tertawa karena merasa nanti dikira
W: Bersikap jujur dan apa adanya
C: Bersikap jual mahal dan hobby nya nge test cowok
W: Meminta anda pamit dulu dengan orangtuanya dan memperkenalkan anda
sebelum pergi bersama anda
C: Membuat anda duduk berlama lama! di ruang tamu karena lama bgt dandannya
W: Independent, tetap memprioritaskan karier dan masa depan tanpa mau
tergantung orang
C: Memprioritaskan punya cowok yang mapan dengan alasan tuntutan jaman dan
akan merasa secure masa depannya hanya dengan cowok2 seperti itu
W: Tampil Natural, simple tapi tetep classy. Dan tampil anggun pada event2
C: Menor, berlebihan dan high maintenance
W: Belajar bikin kue jenis baru 2 kali seminggu
C: Ke Salon 2 kali seminggu
W: Punya prinsip yang jelas dan berusaha untuk mengaplikasikannya di dalam
kehidupannya setiap hari
C: Tidak punya sikap, tidak tegas dan tidak tahu apa kemauannya sebenarnya.
Hanya bisa tergantung pada anda
W: Menguasai diri, mengambil keputusan tegas dalam menyelesaikan setiap
masalah dan konsekuen dengan keputusan tsb.
C: Marah2, nangis berhari hari dan curhat panjang lebar dengan teman kalau
disakiti dan berikrar tidak akan mau berhubungan dengan anda lagi.
Yea right.. 3 hari kemudian dia pasti akan memaafkan anda kok..
W: Betah di rumah, dan suka menyenangkan hati orangtua nya
C: Gak pernah mau ketinggalan datang ke setiap Rave Party yang diadakan di
kota Jakarta dan sekitarnya
W: Favourite movies nya; Four Weddings and A funeral, Requiem for a dream,
Shawshank Redemption
C: Favourite movies nya; Never been kissed, Freaky Friday, Princess Diary
W: Menyukai film The Matrix karena ide cerita yang disampaikan sungguh luar
C: Menyukai film The Matrix karena Keanu Reeves yang main
W: Ingin punya pria yang percaya akan dirinya sendiri, jujur, bisa menjaga
dan menyayanginya apa adanya.
C: Pengen punya cowok seperti Brad Pitt, dewasa, mapan, perut six pack,
siap mengantarjemput 24-7 dan wajib menyayanginya di atas segalanya
W: Mampu menjaga diri sendiri dengan tidak pernah berbuat yang aneh aneh
C: Minum2 sampai tepar di lounge dan harus digotong2 untuk pulang
W: Mengutarakan perasaannya dengan tenang dan tetap mengerti perasaan anda.
C: Maunya selalu diutamakan perasaannya tanpa memikirkan perasaan anda
sedikit pun
W: Mau bersosialisasi dengan teman2 anda dan memperkenalkan anda dengan
teman2 dekatnya
C: Deket sama semua cowok sesuka hati tapi kalau anda sendiri deket sama
satu cewek aja dia bisa marah setengah mati
W: Dekat dengan orangtuanya sendiri dan dikenal baik oleh orangtua anda
C: Bahkan dengan orangtuanya sendiri tidak akrab
W: Mengerti kesibukan anda dan bisa naik kendaraan umum pada saat darurat
tanpa mau menyusahkan anda
C: Marah2 karena anda tidak bisa menjemput dan mengatakan anda sudah tidak
peduli lagi terhadapnya
W: Berpikir dan mengkoreksi diri setelah membaca email ini
C: Merasa tersinggung dan mencari tahu siapa awalnya yg menulis artikel ini.
Menginginkan Anak Laki-laki atau Perempuan
Terkadang kita menginginkan anak yang lengkap, ada yang laki-laki dan ada yang perempuan. Apa yang harus kita lakukan bila yang kita inginkan anak laki-laki atau perempuan?
Ada beberapa teori:
Ada beberapa teori:
1. Makanan. Baik suami maupun istri usahakan makan yang serba berprotein tinggi, misalnya daging sapi, telor, ikan (terutama ikan laut) cumi, udang, kepiting dll. (dikenal dengan TEORI ASAM BASA atau Teori XY)
2. Timing ML (Teori Pembuahan). Lakukan hubungan hanya pada saat masa subur. Masa subur adalah ketika sel telur perempuan sudah matang dan siap dibuahi. Masa subur perempuan adalah tengah-tengah antara awal haid ke haid berikutnya (biasanya siklusnya 28 hari, jadi masa suburnya hari ke 13-14 dari awal haid). Ingat!!!!!! jangan lakukan hubungan sebelum masa subur.(Sperma pembawa gen laki-laki berenang cepat, tetapi cepat mati(biasanya gak sampai 24 jam). Sedangkan pembawa gen perempuan berenang lambat, tetapi awet hidup, dalam lingkungan yang pH nya cocok bisa hidup sampai 4 hari). Makanya kalau berhubungan 1-4 hari sebelum masa subur, biasanya yang jadi anak perempuan.
3. Pembawaan suami (Teori psikologis pria). Suami harus berusaha lembut dan sentimentil. Biasakan suka musik, tanam-tanaman bunga, melukis, bernyanyi pokoknya yang bersifat seni dan romantis. Mau bantu-bantu pekerjaan istri, pokoknya mengalah sama istri. Lupakan superioritas kelaki-lakiannya. (Jangan bersifat menguasai, jangan merasa jagoan, baik di ranjang maupun di luar ranjang)
4. Tabel umur istri. Umur istri bisa juga menjadi faktor untuk memilih anak laki-laki pada saat pembuahan (konsepsi) seperti berikut:
Demikian sedikit teori jika anda menginginkan anak laki-laki atau perempuan. Namun jangan lupa berdoa dan menyerahkan semua kepada yang maha Pencipta...
Sumber :
(yang disarikan dari berbagai sumber)
Download GOM Player Versi Terbaru
Semua tentu sudah mengenal yang namanya media player. Disaat kita jenuh bekerja menghadapi layar komputer, sering kita memutar atau menghidupkan lagu/video yang ada di komputer untuk mengurangi rasa lelah dan menampilkan semangat baru sambil mendengarkan lantunan lagu-lagu yang dimainkan melalui media player seperti winamp, windows media player, media player klasik dan lain sebagainya.
Nah … pada kali ini saya akan berbagi pada sobat yang mungkin saja sedang mencari media player alternatif lain selain yang di atas tadi. Pada dasarnya, media player yang satu ini atau GOM Player sama saja dengan media player yang lainnya. Hanya saja GOM Player memiliki kelebihan dan keistimewaan dalam kemampuan untuk membaca begitu banyak jenis file video, dari DivX, DAT, VOB, MP4, 3GP, RMVB, FLV, MOV, di samping itu media placer ini juga dilengkapi dengan fitur-fitur Pan & Scan, Screen Capture Capture & Advance ....
Bagi yang tertarik, silahkan menuju ke link ini untuk download versi terbaru dari GOM Player
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Heavyweight Division Rankings
March 29, 2011
Every Tuesday we will be putting out our perspective of the top 10 fighters in every division. It will change weekly in terms of divisions and the first one we are starting off with is the Heavyweight division. It will go down from there with next week being Light Heavyweight then Middleweight and so on. By the time we get back to Heavyweight there should have been enough that happened to shake up the rankings, even slightly. So check back every Tuesday to get our opinion on who we think are the top 10 fighters of every division.
The recent happenings in the Heavyweight division have not been that exciting recently as there have not been any huge heavyweight fights in the past month. Although Brendan Schaub did KO Cro Cop, did that victory warrant him a spot in the top 10? Let's find out!
This is how each member of our team ranked the division and points were given to each fighter based on their ranking. First place received ten points, second place received nine, third place eight, and so on.
Manpreet Jhass
1) Cain Valesquez
2) Junior Dos Santos
3) Brock Lesnar
4) Fabricio Werdum
5) Shane Carwin
6) Antonio Silva
7) Alistair Overeem
8) Fedor Emelianenko
9) Frank Mir
10) Roy Nelson
Tony Kwatra
1) Cain Valesquez
2) Junior Dos Santos
3) Fabricio Werdum
4) Brock Lesnar
5) Shane Carwin
6) Frank Mir
7) Antonio Silva
8) Fedor Emelianenko
9) Alistair Overeem
10) Roy Nelson
Prab Jhass
1) Cain Valesquez
2) Junior Dos Santos
3) Fabricio Werdum
4) Brock Lesnar
5) Shane Carwin
6) Alistair Overeem
7) Antonio Silva
8) Fedor Emelianenko
9) Frank Mir
10) Brendan Schaub
1) Cain Valesquez - 30 Points
MMA Record: 9-0
Height: 6'1"
Reach: 77"
Fighting out of: San Jose, California
Promotion: UFC
Last Win:
vs. Brock Lesnar - TKO (Strikes) - UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Velasquez - October 23, 2010
Last Loss:
Next Fight:
2)Juniour Dos Santos - 27 Points
MMA Record: 12-1
Height: 6'4"
Reach: 77"
Fighting out of: Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Promotion: UFC
Last Win:
vs. Roy Nelson - Unanimous Decision - UFC 117: Silva vs. Sonnen - August 7, 2010
Last Loss:
vs. Joaquin Ferreira - Submission (Armbar) - MTL Final - November 10, 2007
Next Fight:
vs. Brock Lesnar - UFC 131 - June 11, 2011
3) Fabricio Werdum - 23 Points
MMA Record: 14-4-1
Height: 6'4"
Reach: 77"
Fighting out of: Porto Alegre, Brazil
Promotion: Strikeforce
Last Win:
vs. Fedor Emelianenko - Submission (Triangle/Armbar) - Strikeforce/M-1 Global: Fedor vs. Werdum - June 26, 2010
Last Loss:
vs. Junior Dos Santos - KO (Punches) - UFC 90 - October 25, 2008
Next Fight:
vs. Alistair Overeem - Strikeforce: Overeem vs. Werdum - June 18, 2011
4) Brock Lesnar - 22 Points
MMA Record: 5-2
Height: 6'3"
Reach: 81"
Fighting out of: Alexandria, Minnesota
Promotion: UFC
Last Win:
vs. Shane Carwin - Submission (Arm Triangle Choke) - UFC 116: Lesnar vs. Carwin - July 3, 2010
Last Loss:
vs. Cain Valesquez - TKO (Strikes) - UFC 121: Lesnar vs. Valesquez - October 23, 2010
Next Fight:
vs. Junior Dos Santos - UFC 131 - June 11, 2011
5) Shane Carwin - 18 Points
MMA Record: 12-1
Height: 6'1"
Reach: 80"
Fighting out of: Denver, Colorado
Promotion: UFC
Last Win:
vs. Frank Mir - KO (Punches) - UFC 111: St. Pierre vs. Hardy - March 27, 2010
Last Loss:
vs. Brock Lesnar - Submission (Arm Triangle Choke) - UFC 116: Lesnar vs. Carwin - July 3, 2010
Next Fight:
vs. Jon Olav Einemo - UFC 131 - June 11, 2011
6) Antonio Silva - 13 Points
MMA Record: 16-2
Height: 6'4"
Reach: 82"
Fighting out of: Campina Grande, Paraiba, Brazil
Promotion: Strikeforce
Last Win:
vs. Fedor Emelienanko - TKO (Doctor Stoppage) - Strikeforce/M-1 Global: Fedor vs. Silva - February 12, 2011
Last Loss:
vs. Fabricio Werdum - Unanimous Decision - Strikeforce/M-1 Global: Fedor vs. Rogers - November 7, 2009
Next Fight:
7) Alistair Overeem - 11 Points
MMA Record: 34-11
Height: 6'5"
Reach: 81.5"
Fighting out of: Amsterdam, Netherlands
Promotion: Strikeforce
Last Win:
vs. Todd Duffee - KO (Punches) - Dynamite!! 2010 - December 31, 2010
Last Loss:
vs. Sergei Kharitonov - KO (Punch) - K1 Hero's Tournament Final - September 17, 2007
Next Fight:
vs. Fabricio Werdum - Strikeforce: Overeem vs. Werdum - June 18, 2011
8) Fedor Emelianenko - 9 Points
MMA Record: 31-3
Height: 6'0"
Reach: 74"
Fighting out of: Stary Oskol, Belgorod, Russia
Promotion: Strikeforce
Last Win:
vs. Brett Rogers - TKO (Strikes) - Strikeforce/M-1 Global: Fedor vs. Rogers - November 7, 2009
Last Loss:
vs. Antonio Silva - TKO (Doctor Stoppage) - Strikeforce/M-1 Global - Fedor vs. Silva - February 12, 2011
Next Fight:
9) Frank Mir - 9 Points
MMA Record: 14-5
Height: 6'3"
Reach: 79"
Fighting out of: Las Vegas, Nevada
Promotion: UFC
Last Win:
vs. Mirko Filipovic - KO (Knee) - UFC 119: Mir vs. Cro Cop - September 25, 2010
Last Loss:
vs. Shane Carwin - KO (Punches) - UFC 11: St. Pierre vs. Hardy - March 27, 2010
Next fight:
vs. Roy Nelson - UFC 130: Edgar vs. Maynard 3 - May 28, 2011
10) Roy Nelson - 2 Points
MMA Record: 15-5
Height: 6'0"
Reach: 74"
Fighting out of: Las Vegas, Nevada
Promotion: UFC
Last Win:
vs. Stefan Struve - TKO (Punches) - UFC Fight Night: Florian vs. Gomi - March 31, 2010
Last Loss:
vs. Junior Dos Santos - Unanimous Decision - UFC 117: Silva vs. Sonnen - August 7, 2010
Next Fight:
vs. Frank Mir - UFC 130: Edgar vs. Maynard 3 - May 28, 2011
Honourable Mention: Brendan Schaub - 1 Point
There you go! Leave comments, suggestions, hate, whatever you so please and we will gladly respond to it on our next weeks rankings!
Simpsons é censurado após acidente nuclear
Em alguns episódios do Simpsons, acontece vários problemas na fábrica nuclear em que Homer trabalha, como em alguns episódios que vazam resíduos nucleares para um jardim de infância.
Mais serão excluídos apenas na Alemanha, após a tragédia que ocorreu no Japão, e para quem assiste Simpsons já deve ter assistido episódio que acontecem alguma coisa neste sentido de 'desastre' na fábrica nuclear onde Homer trabalha.
Para quem não conhece (acho difícil), é basicamente uma sátira de como é a vida e o cotidiano dos americanos, onde Homer é um pai de família e bastante irresponsável por sinal, e que trabalha como diretor de segurança de uma usina nuclear.
E querem banir alguns episódios que acontecem qualquer tipo de problemas acontecendo com a usina nuclear, como episódio que vazam resíduos e deixam alguns animal mutantes o/
Não proibindo nenhum episódio por aqui está bom =D
Mais serão excluídos apenas na Alemanha, após a tragédia que ocorreu no Japão, e para quem assiste Simpsons já deve ter assistido episódio que acontecem alguma coisa neste sentido de 'desastre' na fábrica nuclear onde Homer trabalha.
Para quem não conhece (acho difícil), é basicamente uma sátira de como é a vida e o cotidiano dos americanos, onde Homer é um pai de família e bastante irresponsável por sinal, e que trabalha como diretor de segurança de uma usina nuclear.
E querem banir alguns episódios que acontecem qualquer tipo de problemas acontecendo com a usina nuclear, como episódio que vazam resíduos e deixam alguns animal mutantes o/
Não proibindo nenhum episódio por aqui está bom =D
Monday, March 28, 2011
Criador do Orkut tem conta no concorrente Facebook
Orkut Buyukkokten tem conta na rede social concorrente Facebook. E tem 455 amigos.
O criador da rede social do google, o Orkut, criou uma conta na concorrente Facebook, Orkut Buyukkokten tem até 455 amigos.
Bom teoricamente não vejo problema nenhum ele criar uma conta la né?
Se bem que pode ser para roubar idéias, vá saber.
Orkut é nome do cara mesmo? oO'
Se bem que acho que o orkut não vá durar tanto tempo assim...
O criador da rede social do google, o Orkut, criou uma conta na concorrente Facebook, Orkut Buyukkokten tem até 455 amigos.
Bom teoricamente não vejo problema nenhum ele criar uma conta la né?
Se bem que pode ser para roubar idéias, vá saber.
Orkut é nome do cara mesmo? oO'
Se bem que acho que o orkut não vá durar tanto tempo assim...
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Radio: Fight Night 24 and Samer Kadi
Once again forgot to hit the Record button, but you did not miss much as the only thing was the first Jung/Garcia fight.
Sam Stout Interview
My first interview with a UFC Fighter, so I was a little nervous and had quite a lot going through my head. Believe with experience comes better quality, better questions and better overall interview. So this is the first of many and you guys can join me on my adventure to better my interviewing skills!
Anyway, ENJOY!
Anyway, ENJOY!
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Pawai Ta'aruf STQ ke-4 Kabupaten Lingga
Pelaksanaan Seleksi Tilawatil Quran (STQ) Kabupaten Lingga ke IV telah dimulai. Pada tahun ini, Seleksi Tilawatil Quran (STQ) Kabupaten Lingga ke IV diadakan di kelurahan Raya Kecamatan Singkep Barat. Sabtu (26/03) diadakan pawai ta’ruf dan diikuti oleh peserta pawai yang berasal dari 5 kecamatan yang ada di kabupaten Lingga.
Pelaksanaan pawai ta'aruf ini dihadiri oleh bupati Lingga H.Daria, wakil bupati Lingga Abu Hasim, Ketua DPRD beserta anggota serta kepala SKPD, tokoh agama dan tokoh masyarakat.
Adapun Tema Seleksi Tilawatil Quran (STQ) Kabupaten Lingga ke IV tahun 2011 ini “Melalui Seleksi Tilawatil Qur’an (STQ) IV Tingkat Kabupaten Lingga Tahun 2011, Kita Amalkan Ajaran Islam Dalam Kehidupan Bermasyarakat, Berbangsa dan Bernegara”.
March Madness, MMA Style
As I sit here typing, I am literally engulfed in the hype of March Madness. Yes, I've been watching all the excitement of the NCAA College Basketball Tournament, but right now I am enjoying March Madness MMA style. I am checking out the light-heavyweight (205 lbs.) tournament quarterfinals of Bellator 38 on MTV2, while at the same time watching the preliminary fights of UFC Fight Night 24 on Facebook. Yes, I am watching both events live, one on TV and the other on my computer. Can you tell I love MMA?
Light-heavyweights were also the feature in the main event of the UFC as once again it was a young lion pitted against a crafty veteran. This time the lion, Nittany Lion that is, 'Mr. Wonderful' Phil Davis (9-0, 2 KO's, 3 subs) won a lackluster unanimous decision over Antonio Rogerio 'Minotauro' Nogueira (19-5, 5 KO's 6 subs). Davis, a 2008 national champion from Penn State, used his wrestling to control the fight, but surprisingly it took a while. He was unsuccessful at numerous takedown attempts in the first round, but found his range in the second and third.
With the main card for the UFC still a couple of hours away, I'll start with Bellator and for those that did not bother to tune in, you missed a good one. A couple of upsets, a slick submission and a come from behind KO victory were all part of the first ever 205 lbs. tournament in Bellator's history. In the main event, Tim Carpenter (7-0, 3 subs) surprised everyone, but himself, as he won a split decision victory over celebrated jiu-jitsu world champion Daniel Gracie (5-3-1, 4 subs). In a very close fight throughout, it was Carpenter, not Gracie, who was the aggressor on the ground attempting numerous submissions.
The biggest upset of the night came in the third fight, where a back and forth battle saw relative unknown D.J. 'Da Protege' Linderman (9-1, 3 KO's 3 subs) take out the early favorite in this tourney Raphael 'Noodle' Davis (10-2, 2 KO's 7 subs). Early on, it looked like Davis was going to have it easy as he was drilling Linderman with knees from a Muay Thai clinch in the first round. However, Linderman had other ideas as his own vicious stand up attack finally took its toll in the third round. There, after an inadvertent low blow against Davis that caused a pause in the action, Linderman pummeled Davis with punches that eventually forced the referee to jump in and stop it.
The submission of the night, and early candidate for submission of the year, goes to Rich 'Rare Breed' Hale (16-3-1, 6 KO's 8 subs) for his inverted triangle choke on Nik 'The Machine' Fekete (4-1, 2 KO's) in less than two minutes of the first round. Fekete, shot in for the takedown and got it, but in a scramble, Hale landed on Fekete's back upside down and pulled off the move that made Toby Imada a household name in Bellator's first season. Ironically, in my preview of tonight's fights I posted a photo of Imada's inverted triangle against Jorge Masvidal.
In the first fight of the night, Christian 'Tonton' M'Pumbu (16-3-1, 5 KO's, 8 subs) won the battle of the Chris's with a come form behind third round TKO over Chris 'The Professional' Davis (10-3, 5 KO's, 5 subs). Although he held his own and attempted a couple of submissions in the first two rounds, he was clearly behind going into the third. Knowing that and seeing Davis all but riding on gas fumes, he turned up the intensity and finished Davis with punches in bunches forcing the ref to step in and stop the onslaught. Bellator continues to show strong with young up and coming talent and excellent matchmaking.
Light-heavyweights were also the feature in the main event of the UFC as once again it was a young lion pitted against a crafty veteran. This time the lion, Nittany Lion that is, 'Mr. Wonderful' Phil Davis (9-0, 2 KO's, 3 subs) won a lackluster unanimous decision over Antonio Rogerio 'Minotauro' Nogueira (19-5, 5 KO's 6 subs). Davis, a 2008 national champion from Penn State, used his wrestling to control the fight, but surprisingly it took a while. He was unsuccessful at numerous takedown attempts in the first round, but found his range in the second and third.
Muhammad Ali once quipped, "Rumble young man rumble" and that's just what welterweight (170lbs.) Anthony 'Rumble' Johnson (9-3, 6 KO's, 2 subs) did as he used his superior size and wrestling to outlast 'The Outlaw' Dan Hardy (23-9, 11 KO's, 4 subs). Johnson, coming back from a knee injury that sidelined him for 16 months, dominated all three rounds with a ground and pound attack for a unanimous decision victory. Hardy, who fought for the title almost a year ago to the day, has now lost his last three in a row.
Finally, picking up where they left off a year ago, featherweights (145 lbs.) Leonard 'Bad Boy' Garcia (15-7-1, 3 KO's 9 subs) and 'The Korean Zombie' Chang Sung Jung (11-3, 2 KO's 4 subs) put on another exciting fight with a different outcome. After losing a disputed split decision last year, Jung (pictured above) left no doubt this time around pulling off a rare Eddie Bravo 'Twister' submission with one second left in the second round. Incredible, two 'submission of the year' candidates in one night; that's March Madness, MMA style.
Nama Udin identik nama pasaran, tp dibalik nama UDIN itu punya makna yg berbeda - beda
1. Udin Yang pertama namanya Awaludin
2. Udin yang dikamar namanya Kamarudin
3. Udin yang dijalan namanya Jalanudin
4. Udin yang suka merokok namanya DjiSamsudin
5. Udin yang suka menelepon namanya Hapipudin
6. Udin yang jualan perhiasan namanya Masrudin
7. Udin yang malu-malu namanya Akmaludin
8. Udin yang suka berdoa namanya Aminudin
9. Udin yang suka mengembala namanya Sapipudin
10. Udin yang agak stress namanya Sarapudin
11. Udin yang jual makanan namanya Nasirudin
12. Udin yang suka ke masijid namanya Alimudin
13. Udin yang suka sakit perut namanya Maagmuludin
14. Udin yang tidak stress namanya Sadarudin
15. Udin yang suka ke toilet namanya Tahirudin
16. Udin yang suka gengsi namanya Zaimudin
17. Udin yang terakhir namanya Akhirudin
1. Udin Yang pertama namanya Awaludin
2. Udin yang dikamar namanya Kamarudin
3. Udin yang dijalan namanya Jalanudin
4. Udin yang suka merokok namanya DjiSamsudin
5. Udin yang suka menelepon namanya Hapipudin
6. Udin yang jualan perhiasan namanya Masrudin
7. Udin yang malu-malu namanya Akmaludin
8. Udin yang suka berdoa namanya Aminudin
9. Udin yang suka mengembala namanya Sapipudin
10. Udin yang agak stress namanya Sarapudin
11. Udin yang jual makanan namanya Nasirudin
12. Udin yang suka ke masijid namanya Alimudin
13. Udin yang suka sakit perut namanya Maagmuludin
14. Udin yang tidak stress namanya Sadarudin
15. Udin yang suka ke toilet namanya Tahirudin
16. Udin yang suka gengsi namanya Zaimudin
17. Udin yang terakhir namanya Akhirudin
Friday, March 25, 2011
10 Tempat Paling Menyeramkan di Dunia
1. Segitiga Bermuda
Mendengar Segitiga Bermuda tentu semua orang hampir mengetahui keangkeran tempat tersebut. Misteri hilangnya beberapa kapal laut dan pesawat di kawasan Segitiga Bermuda tentu membuat setiap orang tercekam.
Di sana juga diyakini menjadi tempat bersemayam Setan Segitiga Bermuda. Tempat tersebut terletak di antara Miami, Bermuda dan San Juan (Puerto Rico). Cerita yang paling menarik adalah hilangnya semua skuadron pesawat pembom tahun 1945 dan hilangnya beberapa kapal besar.
Anehnya, tidak satu pun mayat atau puing pesawat dan kapal ditemukan. Bahkan beberapa alat mencatat gelombang elektromagnet yang ganjil di tempat tersebut. Banyak orang yang percaya bahwa tempat tersebut dijadikan markas makhluk luar angkasa.
2. Edinburgh
Kota terpendam Edinburg, selatan Bridge yang terdiri dari jaringan ruwet bawah tanah, kamar, terowong kapal , dan gang telah terbungkus dalam misteri dan intrik selama ini. Kota ini dibuka tahun 1788 tetapi hampir tidak diketahui keberadaannya, sampai tahun 1985 kota tersebut ditemukan kembali. Diyakini di tempat tersebut menjadi tempat hidup dan matinya ribuan orang bawah tanah.
3. Lizzie Borden B and B
Pembunuh Kampak yang menakutkan di sebuah rumah gaya Yunani di Masschusett sekitar 50 mil selatan Boston. Rumah tersebut dibangun tahun 1845 dan dijadikan tempat pembunuhan Abby and Andrew Borden dengan kampak oleh anak mereka sendiri, Lizzi. Namun Lizzi sendiri tidak pernah terbukti melakukan pembunuhan tersebut dan bebas dari tuduhan. Kasus tersebut juga tidak terpecahkan hingga sekarang.
4. London
Di bawah kota kuno di London terdapat kengerian. Kota tersebut dulunya diyakini menjadi saksi kekejaman dengan tulang dan darah berserakan di gang. Jalan Hantu London menjadi tempat paling menyeramkan dan menjadi tempat tur spesial yang diikuti langkah kaki berdarah sang legenda kriminal Jack Ther Ripper.
5. New York
Di jalanan kota New York telah lama menjadi tempat paling aneh. Biasanya tempat ini didatangi oleh dua juta lebih penduduk New York yang berkostum menyeramkan. Acara perayaan lainnya yang menarik untuk dikunjungi adalah perayaan hari besar ghoulish yang berisi Halloween Extravaganza dan Prosesi Setan. St John Divine yang merupakan Katedral Gothik terbesar di New York juga menarik untuk dikunjungi.
6. Roswell
Beberapa orang meyakini bahwa puing-puing pesawat yang jatuh di Roswell, New Mexico tahun 1947 merupakan pesawat alien. Dan insiden Roswell adalah satu kontroversi hingga sekarang.
Upaya keras pemerintah Amerika Serikat untuk menutupi fakta, membuat banyak pihak yang yakin bahwa ada sesuatu yang sangat penting sedang disembunyikan. Banyak yang yakin bahwa Roswell adalah satu tempat bersejarah dalam fenomena tentang UFO dan tamu-tamu dari luar angkasa.
7. Salem
Kota Salem menyimpan cerita tragedi Salem 1692. Pada tahun tersebut banyak orang yang disiksa dan dibunuh karena dituduh sebagai penyihir meskipun tidak ada bukti.
Setiap bulan Oktober, penduduk kota Salem selalu merayakan pesta hantu di beberapa tempat misteri. Salah satunya adalah Witch House, yang merupakan bangunan tertua di Salem dan merupakan rumah Jonathan Corwin, hakim yang bertanggungjawab atas meninggalnya 19 wanita di Salem.
8. Savannah
Savannah merupakan kota tua tertua di Georgia. Kota ini dipercaya mempunyai sejarah panjang terhadap kekerasan dan tragedi berdarah saat revolusi dan perang sipil.
Bahkan hal tersebut juga tergambar dari bangunan penduduk di sana yang biasanya di buat beberapa sentimeter di atas tanah. Di sana pengunjung akan diajak berpetualang di Rumah Bajak Laut yang dalam beberapa abad sangat terkenal. Selain itu Rumah Marshall 1851 yang diyakini menjadi tempat merawat korban perang sipil.
9. Hotel Stanley
Hotel ini dibangun tahun 1909 di pegunungan Colorado. Hotel tersebut terlihat sangat mengesankan dan mempunyai restoran yang sangat terkenal. Namun hotel tersebut juga menyimpan misteri.
Seperti yang diyakini penduduk setempat bahwa Flora Stanley, pemilik pertamanya, sering melihat dan mendengar suara istri pertamanya yang telah lama meninggal, bahkan diyakini sering bermain piano bersama. Selain itu, pada lantai empat hotel tersebut terdapat ruangan gelap, dan dari kamar nomor 217 sering kali terlihat sebuah kepala raja.
10. Transylvania
Kota ini terkenal karena sejarah vampir. Penghisap darah tersebut diyakini pernah menguasai kota ini. Transylvania juga diyakini menjadi tempat lahirnya dunia kegelapan. Kota yang terletak di bagian barat Rumania ini menjadi rumah drakula.
Kastil Bran yang merupakan kastil para drakula pada abad 14 juga menjadi tempat yang menarik untuk dikunjungi. Sekitar 20 mile dari kota Brasov, yang dibayangi Gunung Bucegi, terdapat rumah yang dulunya milik seorang pangeran Romania yang menjadi vampir.
UFC vs. Bellator, which are you watching?
Now that Strikeforce has been bought out by Zuffa Entertainment and is under UFC ownership that leaves only Bellator Fighting Championships as the only major promotion not under Dana White's control. In only its fourth season, Bellator may not be on UFC's level quite yet as far as finances and fighters, but it has made great strides and developed some young stars. So the question is which are you watching this weekend when they go head to head on free cable television?
Bellator, which gave us the memorable inverted triangle submission by Toby Imada on Jorge Masvidal (pictured above), continues it's fourth season, first on MTV2, this Saturday night. On tap (no pun intended) is their first ever light-heavyweight (205 lbs.) tournament quarterfinals. The UFC counters with 'Fight Night 24', which features a light-heavyweight main event between Antonio Rogerio 'Minotoro' Nogueira (19-4, 5 KO's, 6 subs) and 'Mr. Wonderful' Phil Davis (8-0, 2 KO's 3 subs).
The UFC Fight Night card, which will be live on Spike TV, has some other very attractive match-ups as the co-main event is a welterweight (170 lbs.) clash between contenders Dan 'The Outlaw' Hardy (23-8, 11 KO's 4 subs) and Anthony 'Rumble' Johnson (8-3, 6 KO's, 2 subs). Also, to start out the main card, it is a rematch of what I and many considered to be the 2010 Fight of the Year, when featherweight (145 lbs.) Leonard 'Bad Boy' Garcia (15-6-1, 3 KO's 9 subs) faces off against the 'Korean Zombie' Chang Sung Jung (10-3, 2 KO's, 3 subs).
All very evenly matched fights with some intriguing twists, I'm going to go with the following; in the main event I'm picking Phil Davis to overcome Nogueira's obvious experience and utilize his superior wrestling to get a unanimous decision. Because of his superior size, strength and athleticism, I'm taking 'Rumble' Johnson to knockout Dan Hardy, especially after Carlos Condit showed it was possible in Hardy's last fight. Finally, in a narrow split decision, I'm going with the 'Korean Zombie', mainly because I think he got robbed out of the same in last year's fight.
As for Bellator, their four quarterfinal fights include a bevy of young up and comers, which they are known for cultivating and creating. One fight that does interests me though is one that features two of the best prospects on this card as Tim Carpenter (6-0, 3 subs) takes on MMA Royalty of sorts. His opponent Daniel Gracie (5-2-1, 4 subs) is a member of the first family of Mixed Martial Arts. I'm going out on a limb here and picking Carpenter to finish Gracie via strikes. That's a light limb considering he has no KO's on his record, but the Gracies are notorious for being average at best with their stand-up game.
One other name to be on the lookout for in this light-heavyweight tournament is Raphael 'Noodle' Davis (10-1, 2 KO's 7 subs). Davis had two fights in Bellator last year winning both convincingly. However his opponent D.J. 'Da Protege' Linderman (8-1, 2 KO's, 3 subs) is a former heavyweight who use to fight around 250 lbs. The winner of this fight could be the dark horse in this tourney. I'm picking Davis based on the quality of past opponents. Who are you picking in these fights? Better yet, which are you watching?
Maria antes de entrar no BBB ganhava R$15mil de mesada
Participante mora em um apartamento de luxo no bairro de Moema, em São Paulo, alugado por R$ 1,8 mil mensais.
Pow fala sério, pra que uma mulher dessas precisa ganhar o prêmio de R$1,5milhão?
Está certo que só por que ela já é acostumada com mordomia que ela não pode participar para ganhar o prêmio, mais ao meu ver, deveria ganhar o prêmio quem realmente precisa-se do dinheiro.
Tem gente que vive muito bem ganhando muito menos que isso trabalhando, e ela ganhava isso de mesada do seu pai, vivendo pagando algumas despesas e o aluguel do seu apartamento de 1,8mil reais, fala sério!
Em uma conversa dentro da casa, ela já chegou a falar que à confundiram com a namorada do seu pai, o italiano Vicente Melilo.
Eu ganhando essa 'humilde' mesada eu já estaria feliz demais!
Pow fala sério, pra que uma mulher dessas precisa ganhar o prêmio de R$1,5milhão?
Está certo que só por que ela já é acostumada com mordomia que ela não pode participar para ganhar o prêmio, mais ao meu ver, deveria ganhar o prêmio quem realmente precisa-se do dinheiro.
Tem gente que vive muito bem ganhando muito menos que isso trabalhando, e ela ganhava isso de mesada do seu pai, vivendo pagando algumas despesas e o aluguel do seu apartamento de 1,8mil reais, fala sério!
Em uma conversa dentro da casa, ela já chegou a falar que à confundiram com a namorada do seu pai, o italiano Vicente Melilo.
Eu ganhando essa 'humilde' mesada eu já estaria feliz demais!
Pre-Fight Weigh In: UFC Fight Night: Seattle
Pre-Fight Weigh In
UFC Fight Night: Seattle
Seattle, Washington
March 26, 2011
Preliminary Card
Lightweight: Waylon Lowe vs. Nik Lentz
Manpreet Jhass: Nik Lentz
Tony Kwatra: Nik Lentz
Prab Jhass: Nik Lentz
Consensus: 3-0 Lentz
Middleweight: Mario Miranda vs. Aaron Simpson
Manpreet Jhass: Mario Miranda
Tony Kwatra: Mario Miranda
Prab Jhass: Aaron Simpson
Consensus: 2-1 Miranda
Welterweight: Johny Hendricks vs. TJ Waldburger
Manpreet Jhass: Johny Hendricks
Tony Kwatra: Johny Hendricks
Prab Jhass: Johny Hendricks
Consensus: 3-0 Hendricks
Facebook Preliminary Card
Heavyweight: Sean McCorkle vs. Christian Morecraft
Manpreet Jhass: Sean McCorkle
Tony Kwatra: Sean McCorkle
Prab Jhass: Sean McCorkle
Consensus: 3-0 McCorkle
Bantamweight: Michael McDonald vs. Edwin Figueroa
Manpreet Jhass: Michael McDonald
Tony Kwatra: Michael McDonald
Prab Jhass: Michael McDonald
Consensus: 3-0 McDonald
Welterweight: John Hathaway vs. Kris McCray
Manpreet Jhass: John Hathaway
Tony Kwatra: John Hathaway (Serious downgrade in opponents considering this guy beaet Diego Sanchez)
Prab Jhass: John Hathaway
Consensus: 3-0 Hathaway
Heavyweight: Jon Madsen vs. Mike Russow
Manpreet Jhass: Jon Madsen
Tony Kwatra: Jon Madsen
Prab Jhass: Jon Madsen
Consensus: 3-0 Madsen
Featherweight: Alex Caceres vs. Mackens Semerzier
Manpreet Jhass: Mackens Semerzier
Tony Kwatra: Alex Caceres
Prab Jhass: Alex Caceres
Conensus: 2-1 Caceres
Main Card
Featherweight: Leonard Garcia vs. Chan Sung Jung
Manpreet Jhass: Who better to replace Nam Phan with another victim of a robbery courtesy of Mr. Garcia himself? Candidate of fight of the year last year on numerous media outlets, and really was the perfect way to put WEC into the eyes of MMA fans right before their merger with the UFC; Chan Sun Jung vs. Leonard Garcia. Their first encounter was really all you needed to show to someone who was not a fan of the sport to get them into the sport. For three straight rounds they just threw bombs at each other and we are looking for nothing less in this sequel. Could this be a possible fight of the year candidate once again? I would love to say yes, but I don’t think they will be as wild this time around as Jung, who in my opinion got robbed of his last fight with Garcia, may want to implement a game plan this time around instead of going balls out. As long as the judges are not in the “Sanchez scoring” state-of-mind, Jung should be able to take this.
Pick: Chan Sung Jung
Tony Kwatra: Like I said earlier, if they had to replace an injured Nam Phan with anyone, the Korean Zombie Chan Sung Jung was the perfect guy to replace him with. I don’t expect this fight to be as exciting as the first one since Leonard Garcia seems to be alluding to becoming more technical rather than using his usual brawling style. However, I still think this fight will be the fight of the night and what a way to open the show. Chan Sung Jung needs a win after that brutal KO loss to George Roop and I expect him to come out and be as exciting as ever and edge out the win here.
Pick: Chan Sung Jung
Prab Jhass: I’m putting it out there right now. I’m imploring the State Athletic Commission to let us at The MMA Weigh In be ringside to judge this fight. Garcia’s past six fights have all gone to decision, with the exception of his draw with George Roop. Two of those decisions have been ridiculously bad, and that’s where the focus (sadly) lies with this fight against the Korean Zombie. Rightfully so, as the last time these two faced off it was all systems go as far as their hands go. They were swinging away like it’s batting practice and both of them had a fastball tattooed to their chin. This time around, I expect both men to be a little less trigger happy when it comes to using their hands. Jung has lost three of his past four, and a loss here may put him in jeopardy of staying on the roster.
Pick: Chan Sung Jung
Consensus: 3-0 Jung
Welterweight: Amir Sadollah vs. DaMarques Johnson
Manpreet Jhass: Believe it or not, Amir Sadollah is still quite young in his MMA career. With a grand total of 6 MMA fights, Sadollah still has a lot to experience. His most recent set back was to a much more experience Dong Hyun Kim at UFC 114, but he managed to bounce back with a win over Peter Sobotta. On the flip side, Johnson is coming off a submission victory over veteran Mike Guymon. DaMarques has had 5 fights in the UFC, all which have been finishes whether it is him finishing or getting finished. I believe he has all the tools and a wealth of experience over Amir which will be the deciding factor in this fight. I know on the radio show I chose Amir, but looking more into this fight, I do not see Johnson letting this one slip from under him.
Pick: DaMarques Johnson
Tony Kwatra: So Amir Sadollah finally has an opponent who’s good to go after 2 replacements. Amir is still learning as a mixed martial artist and he has good submissions and Muay Thai. DaMarques Johnson isn’t the most impressive fighter and I don’t see Amir having many problems with him.
Pick: Amir Sadollah
Prab Jhass: This should be a great fight with possible FOTN all over it. Sadollah is coming off of a much needed win against Peter Sobotta at UFC 122, while Johnson made Guymon submit at Fight for the Troops 2. Johnson should bring the fight to Sadollah and maybe try to keep it on the feet with Amir, as I feel Sadollah may be able to win this fight on the ground. That being said, I expect Sadollah to get this fight to the mat, and grind out a win.
Pick: Amir Sadollah
Consensus: 2-1 Sadollah
Welterweight: Dan Hardy vs. Anthony Johnson
Manpreet Jhass: I was split on this fight, and I truly dislike when I am put in this position. I really like both fighters, especially in this instance where they are both in need of a win. On the radio show it literally came down to the word before “Dan Hardy” for me to pick who I wanted to win. It was just on the spot whatever came out of my mouth was going to be my choice and it was Dan Hardy. Hardy is coming off two consecutive losses, the first not being of much surprise and the second to Condit who not only defeated Hardy, but in impressive fashion. Anthony Johnson on the other hand has not fought since his controversial fight with Koscheck all the way back at UFC 106 which was in November of 2009. Coming off such a huge lay off, Johnson may have a wealth of rest, but ring rust has always paid a toll on fighters. The most recent being Shogun (who I still believe was not the fighter we saw fight at UFC 113, but again I take nothing away from Jones). I believe Dan Hardy may be the more technical striker in this stand up war and I see him knocking Anthony into the 13th row of Key Arena.
Pick: Dan Hardy
Tony Kwatra: I am REALLY excited for this fight. Hardy has a lot to prove and so does Johnson after such a long lay off since his last fight. Both men are coming off losses in their last fights and need wins (although I don’t think either one gets cut with a loss here) to get their stock back up in the welterweight division. Both men have expressed the desire to keep the fight standing so I expect nothing but a fun fight with a TKO/KO finish here. Hardy seems to want to make a statement here and I believe he comes out too aggressive against the bigger Anthony Johnson, getting caught in the process and suffering his 3rd straight loss.
Pick: Anthony Johnson
Prab Jhass: First off, I can’t wait for this fight. “Rumble” has been absent from the octagon since UFC 106 when he was choked out by Josh Koscheck. I’ve seen some pictures of Johnson online, and I swear it looked as if he had eaten his former self. He looked HUGE (not in a good way), and it seriously makes me question the type of condition he’ll be in there against a guy like Hardy. He’ll have the reach on “The Outlaw”, but it doesn’t necessarily mean he’ll win the stand up battle. Hardy seems to have screwed his head back on (literally) after Condit exploded on him, and I’m glad that he has this renewed focus back on title contention. Dan needs to keep Johnson on the feet and avoid being put on his back, where Johnson is a great wrestler dating back to his college days. A win here helps keep both relevant in the Welterweight division, and a loss sets them both back significantly.
Pick: Dan Hardy
Consensus: 2-1 Hardy
Light Heavyweight: Antonio Rogerio Nogueira vs. Phil Davis
Manpreet Jhass: The main event of this card turned from two fighters who were in a disappointing moment in their career to one being sidelined with an injury and replaced by another hungry up and comer. Many have put Phil Davis as the next big thing behind Jon Jones who has not even cracked his peak, and I think Phil will not have that hard of a time with Lil’ Nog. Nogueira has shown his weakness against wrestlers in his past fights against Ryan Bader and Jason Brilz. In my opinion Phil Davis is going to be too strong for Nogueira and will take this fight to the Brazilian. Not saying that Phil Davis should be the next one getting a title shot, but I hope they continue to build up him slowly as they did with Bones Jones as I still think that Phil is quite a raw specimen and still needs more work to be a better all around mixed martial artist. This would be a great win to put him on the map in the MMA community and for people to look out for him as he slowly rises.
Pick: Phil Davis
Tony Kwatra: As soon as Jon Jones won the title, Phil Davis popped into my head as a legit contender in the future. I still think Davis will need 2-3 more impressive wins AFTER this fight with Lil Nog assuming he wins this Saturday. Davis is a huge light heavyweight with a lot of power, awesome wrestling, and wicked submissions (behind the back kimura anyone?). Lil Nog has had trouble in his last 2 fights with Bader and Brilz due to both of those fighters being wrestlers. Phil Davis, in my estimation, is a better wrestler than both those fighters and so I don’t see Lil Nog winning this fight at all; it also doesn’t help that Davis much bigger and more powerful than him. I see Davis dominating Lil Nog en route to a decision win using his wrestling. After this fight, I’d like to see Davis get a bigger name like say, Rich Franklin or Forrest Griffin.
Pick: Phil Davis
Prab Jhass: Can we please see another Mr. Wonderful? Then can we please have Bruce Buffer announce Davis as winner via “a Mr. Wonderful”? Seriously, Davis is a beast. I might be underestimating Lil Nog, but from what I’ve seen of his UFC run I’m not wrong in thinking so. Nogueira is 2-1 in his past three in the UFC, however that “win” against Brilz could be debated until we’re hoarse. Davis is 8-0 and just on a complete tear through his competition. I just can’t see an older Nogueira keeping up with Davis and I look for Mr. Wonderful to make quick work of Lil Nog.
Pick: Phil Davis
Consensus: 3-0 Phil Davis
Prediction Statistics
1) Tony Kwatra: 10-2
2*) Manpreet Jhass: 9-3
2*)Prab Jhass: 9-3
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