Monday, January 31, 2011

Slash to Glee: "Your show sucks!"

    Despite all the awards, turns out there are some people who actually agree with me on the fact that Glee, kinda sucks.  It's like Sesame Street, both have a very diverse cast and despite the life and educational lessons you can gather from those catchy jingles, they still blow.  Here is an article from Rolling Stone, where Slash states his reasoning for never allowing any G'N'R tunes to be used on the show.  Check it out.

Just for fun, let's see if you can match the Sesame Street cast with the Glee cast.  Give it a shot.


Also, for all you Glee fanatics, here is the creator's rebuttal to being shot down by both Kings of Leon and Slash.  Check it!



Well I know where I'm getting my next tattoo

Already booked my appointment with Ms. Von D, I'm going to get a bald Bob Barker. In closing, please remember to have your pets spayed and neutered.

Domo Arigato,


Eargasm of the Day: NoFX - Cokie The Clown

    I think the name says it all about this one.  A classic tail of a coked out clown on one hell of a bender.  This band is pretty fucking awesome.



Tracy Morgan is the truth!

Tracy Morgan was recently on TNT's post game basketball show to settle the debate of who's hotter, Tina Fey or Sarah Palin.  Tracy, being a cunning linguist diverted the question to the realm of spank bank material.  Enjoy the repartee!

Domo Arigato,


Antenados no Ragga Drops!

Na ultima quinta-feira 27 de janeiro, integrantes do projeto Antenados participaram de uma matéria especial do Ragga Drops, (caderno voltado para o público jovem do Jornal Estado de Minas).

A matéria conta um pouco da história do projeto através do depoimento de três integrantes ( Wanderson, Henrique e Samanta ), que relembram fatos que marcaram a história do Antenados (da fundação aos tempos de hoje).

Vale à pena conferir um pouco mais de nossa história :

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Penyesuaian Jabatan Fungsional Guru

Sebagai pelaksanaan Peraturan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 16 Tahun 2009 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Guru dan Angka Kreditnya dan Peraturan Bersama Menteri Pendidikan Nasional dan Kepala Badan Kepegawaian Negara Nomor 03/V/PB/2010 dan Nomor 14 Tahun 2010 tentang Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Jabatan Fungsional Guru dan Angka Kreditnya, Menteri Pendidikan Nasional telah menetapkan sebuah Peraturan pada tanggal 22 Desember Tahun 2010 yang dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 38 Tahun 2010 tentang Penyesuaian Jabatan Fungsional Guru.

Permendiknas No 38 Tahun 2010 Tentang Penyesuaian Jabatan Fungsional Guru ini berisi tentang :

Pasal 1
Penyesuaian jabatan fungsional guru adalah penyesuaian jabatan fungsional bagi guru yang memiliki jabatan fungsional guru berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara Nomor 84 Tahun 1993 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Guru dan Angka Kreditnya ke dalam jabatan fungsional guru yang diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Negara Pendayagunaan Aparatur Negara dan Reformasi Birokrasi Nomor 16 Tahun 2009 tentang Jabatan Fungsional Guru dan Angka Kreditnya.

Pasal 2
Penyesuaian jabatan fungsional guru sebagaimana dimaksud pasal 1 ditetapkan berdasarkan pangkat dan golongan ruang terakhir yang dimiliki dengan angka kredit yang telah ditetapkan oleh pejabat yang berwenang.

Pasal 3
(1) Guru yang masih memiliki pangkat Pengatur Muda, golongan ruang II/a, jabatan Guru Pratama sampai dengan Pengatur Tingkat I, golongan ruang II/d, jabatan Guru Muda Tingkat I yang tidak memiliki ijazah S1/D-IV tidak dapat memperoleh penyesuaian jabatan.
(2) Apabila guru sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat (1) memperoleh ijazah S1/D-IV yang relevan dengan tugas yang diampunya dan ijazahnya telah ditetapkan angka kreditnya oleh pejabat yang berwenang dapat disesuaikan jabatannya.
(3) Guru yang telah memiliki pangkat paling rendah Penata Muda, golongan ruang III/a walaupun yang bersangkutan belum memiliki ijazah S1/D-IV disesuaikan jabatannya.

Persyaratan guru untuk memperoleh penyesuaian jabatan fungsional guru, pejabat yang berwenang menetapkan penyesuaian jabatan fungsional guru, prosedur pengusulan jabatan fungsional guru, persyaratan administrasi usulan, tata cara pelaksanaan penyesuaian jabatan fungsional guru serta lampiran peraturan ini, dapat dilihat selengkapnya pada Permendiknas No 38 Tahun 2010, yang dapat diunduh di akhir postingan ini.

Permendiknas ini juga menyatakan bahwa Penyesuaian Jabatan Fungsional Guru dilaksanakan terhitung mulai tanggal ditetapkannya Peraturan Menteri ini sampai dengan akhir Desember 2012.

Dokumen/File yang dapat diunduh/download :

>> PermenNeg PAN dan RB No 16 Tahun 2009
>> PerBes Mendiknas dan Kepala BKN No 03/V/PB/2010 dan No 14 Tahun 2010
>> Permendiknas No 38 Tahun 2010

Saturday, January 29, 2011

POS UN SD, MI, dan SDLB Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011

Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP) telah menetapkan peraturan tentang Prosedur Operasi Standar Ujian Nasional Sekolah Dasar, Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011, yang dituangkan dalam Peraturan BSNP Nomor : 0152/SK-POS/BSNP/I/2011.

Peraturan ini merupakan tindak lanjut dari pelaksaanaan Permendiknas Nomor 2 Tahun 2011 tentang Ujian Sekolah/Madrasah dan Ujian Nasional pada Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011.

Prosedur Operasi Standar Ujian Nasional, selanjutnya disebut POS UN, Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011 diatur dalam Lampiran Peraturan BSNP ini yang merupakan bagian yang tak terpisahkan dari Peraturan BSNP ini, serta Peraturan BSNP ini merupakan acuan dalam penyelenggaraan Ujian Nasional Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011.

Berikut dokumen/file yang dapat diunduh dengan mengklik tautan di bawah ini.

>> Permendiknas No 2 Tahun 2010
>> POS UN SD, MI, dan SDLB Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011
>> Sosialisasi Penyelenggaraan UN Bagi SD/MI/SDLB dan SMA/MA-SMP/MTs/SMPLB-SMALB-SMK dipersiapkan oleh BSNP Kemdiknas, RI

Eu Amo funk depois dessa ...

Lindo talento, Grande talento... *-*

John Titor Penjelajah Waktu

Seseorang yang mengaku dari tahun 2036 datang ke tahun 2000 untuk memposting di forum internet, mengaku sebagai prajurit amerika di tahun 2036 mengemban misi ke tahun 1975 untuk mengambil komputer portable pertama di dunia yaitu IBM 5100, dan mampir di tahun 2000-2001 untuk melihat keluarganya.
adapun pro dan kontra terhadap orang ini di forum menjadi topik hangat saat itu, karena dia dapat membuktikan hal-hal yang akan terjadi di masa dpn, dia juga mengupload foto mesin waktu nya, cara kerjanya, dan juga menyebarkan formula ilmiah mesin waktu tersebut di forum. Beberapa orang di forum mulai memberondong John Titor dgn beragam pertanyaan, kesimpulan yang di dapat bahwa JOhn Titor adalah orang yg cerdas dan mempunya ilmu pengetahuan science yg mendalam, meski JOhn mengaku spesialisasi di History bukan di bidang komputer maupun science.

Siapa JOhn Titor ? Dia mengaku lahir tahun 1998 di florida, dia mengemban tugas dari tahun 2036 untuk ke tahun 1975 tuk mengambil PC IBM 5100, yg menurut dia dimana pc itu terdapat bahasa unix yg dpt memecahkan beragam bahasa unix. menurut dia teknologi di pc itu hanya seglintir org ibm saja yg tahu dan teknologi itu tidak pernah lagi di pasang di pc generasi selanjut nya hingga 2036.
Menurut dia semua sistem unix akan menghadapi time error di tahun 2036, oleh sebab itu IBM 5100 sangat penting.
Hal ini langsung di akui oleh pihak IBM , dan mereka kaget, karena hanya 5 org yg mengetahui hal itu, dan itu pun terjadi pada tahun 1975.
Konsep mesin waktu, John mengaku mesin waktu yg di pakai dia adalah C204 yg dpt memuat sampai 3 org mesin ini dimiliki oleh militer amerika di tahun 2036, dan mesin waktu bukan barang yg aneh di masa dia, ada lagi yg tipe lebih besar yaitu C206 yg di buat oleh GE (General Electric) dapat sampai 7 orang. Mesin ini hanya mampu membawa mereka maksium 60tahun ke masa silam dgn kecepatan 10tahun per jam.
Teori mesin waktu menurut John Titor,
  1. Apapun yg saya lakukan dgn pergi ke masa silam tidak akan merubah masa depan saya, karena kita hidup di dimensi yg berbeda. Jadi menurut dia bahwa masa depan adalah keputusan. apa pun keputusan yg dibuat, di masa depan sudah ada jawaban nya.
  2. Mesin waktu sangat berat bentuk nya panjang seperti box amunisi dengan beban mencapai 500kg, dia harus menaruh alat itu di dalam mobil dgn suspensi yg kuat, dan jika di nyalakan akan terbentu suatu black hole kecil yg mirip dgn donut. dan disaat itu lah semua akan terhisap kedalam black hole itu termasuk mobil nya menuju ketempat tujuan dalam proses perjalanan akan sangat panas, sulit untuk bernafas, dan jika tujuan anda nanti ternyata ada benda atau tembok yg menghalangi kehadiran anda di titik point yg sama maka otomatis mesin waktu akan switch off. jadi anda tidak pindah dari 1 titik ke titik yg lain, tapi anda pindah ke dimensi yg lain.
  3. Hukum fisika Kuantum Everett-Wheeler adalah teori yg benar untuk mesin waktu, model ini juga bisa disebut “Many-Worlds Interpretation” atau dgn kata lain banyak hasil kemungkinan yang akan terjadi di masa depan berdasarkan keputusan saat ini, contoh nya, jika saya kembali ke tahun 1975 untuk membunuh kakek saya, lalu saya kembali ke 2036, saya akan tetap eksis, begitupun orang tua saya. tetapi di dimensi tahun 1975 dan masa depan nya saya dan orangtua saya tidak eksis. ini lah yg disebut many worlds interpretation.
John tidak pernah akan memberikan prediksi untuk menyangkut sport tips, atau untuk memperkaya diri
John tidak pernah akan memberikan prediksi kepada org untuk menghindari kematian, kecelakaan,tragedi.
John tidak akan pernah menunjuk/menyebutkan nama lengkap seseorang yg akan berpengaruh nantinya di masa depan.
Ok John dalam posting nya tidak pernah memberi prediksi secara langsung, hasil prediksi berikut merupakan rangkuman dariapa yg telah menjadi bahan diskusi John selama 5 bulan dari november 2000 – maret 2001.
  1. John menyebutkan initial Tipler dan Kerr ,ilmuwan yang akan berpengaruh dgn mesin waktu. Nama kedua orang ini di lacak kebenerannya dan ternyata mereka eksis dan mereka adalah profesor fisika.
  2. Konsep dasar mesin waktu akan di kemukakan oleh CERN di tahun 2001, kenyataanya di tahun 2000-2001 blom banyak yg tahu tentang organisasi CERN, dan ternyata bener pd tahun 2001 CERN menyatakan menemukan konsep black hole, dimana ini akan menjadi dasar mesin waktu.
  3. John Titor memberikan rincian mesin waktu yang dia pakai kpd kita,yg berisi Magnetic housing units for dual microsignularities, Electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity of microsingularities, Cooling and x-ray venting system, Gravity sensors (VGL system), Main clocks (4 cesium units), Main computer units (3). Para ilmuwan skrg menyatakan dgn mesin dan cara operasional yg disampaikan John memungkinkan untuk melakukan timetravel.
  4. Prediksi cepat JOhn ttg amerika bahwah, mulai tahun 2004 USA akan mulai terjadi perang saudara, dimana antara tahun 2004-2008 terjadi demonstrasi dan pergolakan di dalam USA, tahun 2008-2015 puncak dari perang saudara itu.
  5. Perang dunia 3 akan di mulai tahun 2015, dia menyatakan Rusia akan menyerang amerika dgn nuklir di tahun 2015, otomatis perang saudara di amerika berhenti dan mereka bersatu melawan russia dan nantinya amerika hanya akan terbentuk menjadi 5 negara bagian dengan presiden setiap negara bagian masing2 dengan ibukota berpindah ke nebraska. Menurut dia kota2 besar di amerika akan hancur begitun di eropa,CINA, timur tengah. Sedangkan negara2 yg tidak terlibat perang dunia ke 3 adalah amerika selatan dan australia, NZ. Perang ini akan menghilangkan 3 milyar populasi dunia.
  6. Penyakit sapi gila akan mewabah dan makin parah di tahun 2036, karena penyakit ini dapat berdiam dalam tubuh manusia selama 30tahun lebih dan mulai beraksi saat kita menjelang tua, penyakit AIDS belum ada obatnya, penyakit kanker sudah bisa di atasi dgn menggunakan virus melawan kanker itu sendiri (teori kanker ini sudah terbukti di jaman kita).
  7. Makanan dan air bersih sangat sukar di dapatkan akibat radiasi nuklir, di tahun 2036 setiap orang akan sangat berhati2 dengan makanan/minuman yg akan di konsumsinya, John menyatakan dia sangat ketakutan di tahun 2000-2001 dimana melihat orang dpt memesan makanan sesuka hatinya spt di fastfood tanpa mengecek kesehatan makanan tersebut.
  8. Dimasa depan kehidupan bertani akan kembali,religi akan menjadi sangat kuat, banyak orang yg menyesalkan PD3 hanya karena permainan politik.
  9. John pernah menyatakan di NY akan ada gedung pencakar langit yang akan hilang dalam waktu dekat (9/11) dan tidak ditemukan nya Senjata pemusnah massal di timur tengah (irak) tetap membuat politik amerika untuk berperang.
  10. Perkembangan IT akan sangat berkembang, dia menyatakan bahwa bakal banyak org akan membuat video mereka sendiri dan di upload ke internet (youtube) lalu sistem internet nanti akan independen dgn hanya menggunakan alat kecil dgn tenaga matahari dapat memancarkan signal sejauh 60mil (wi-max)
  11. Di tahun 2036 energi hydrogen dan energi panas matahari berperan sangat penting dan lebih efisien
  12. Anda-anda sekarang barusan melewati bencana yg menakutkan, coba andi pikiran kembali apa yg ditakuti 1- 1,5 tahun yg lalu (taon 1999), menurut milis di forum yg di maksud adalah bencana y2k, mereka menyatakan bahwa John telah kembali ke tahun 1975 untuk memberitahu para imuwan ttg bencana y2k.
  13. Menurut John, kehidupan sosial masyarakat sekarang adalah sangat parah, karena kita semua sangat malas, egois, individualis, acuh untuk bersosialisasi seperti domba dan banyak org yg menghabiskan waktu untuk hal2 yg tak berguna. Coba lah tuk bangun dan melihat keadaan disekeliling kita, kondisi alam makin rusak, bumi ini lagi sekarat.
  14. Di tahun 2036 tidak ada organisasi kesehatan yang akan melindungi mu, jadi jika anda sakit parah, siap2 gali lubang kubur sendiri.(klo saat ini ada jaminan kesehatan tuk seluruh penduduk amrik)
  15. Temperatur dan suhu di dunia akan menjadi lebih dingin.
  16. Saya tahu tentang prediksi bangsa maya ttg tahun 2012, yah memang sesuatu hal yg unik akan terjadi, kira2 seperti cerita ttg laut merah dan org mesir. tapi itu tidak membuat dunia ini kiamat.
  17. Yahoo and microsoft is no longer exist in 2036.
  18. MARS AND UFO, sampai tahun 2036 kita masih tidak menemukan apa2 di mars, begitu pun ttg ufo masih menjadi misteri, walaupun para ilmuwan di tahun 2036 pernah menyatakan bahwa ufo/alien juga adalah timetraveler dari masa depan dan alien adalah bangsa manusia yg telah berevolusi akibat perubahan alam/radiasi/perang, mereka para alien memiliki struktur tubuh dan organ2 internal yg sama dengan manusia.
John Titor last post tgl 21 maret 2001 mengatakan selamat tinggal, dan dia kembali ke tahun 2036.
John Titor pernah meminta ayahnya untuk merekam proses time machine saat dia pakai untuk kembali ke tahun 2036 dan di upload ke internet melalui pengacara keluarganya Larry Harber, tapi entah kenapa rekaman video itu tidak jadi di upload, ada yg bilang rekaman itu telah di ambil oleh pihak intelijen amerika.

Saat john kembali ke 2036, tak lama keluarga titor pindah ke nebraska, seminggu sesudahnya terjadi badai topan ganas melanda florida dan menghancurkan tempat tinggal titor di florida.
Saat ini keluarga Titor dirahasiakan keberadaannya, dan bagi public yg ingin melakukan kontak dgn keluarganya dapat melalui pengacaranya Larry Harber.
Beberapa hal di sarankan John kepada kita,
  • Jangan makan atau menggunakan produk dari binatang yg di beri makan atau makan bangkai sesamanya.
  • Jgn cium atau berhubungan intim dgn org yang anda tidak kenal (maksudnya klo sungkem ga perlu cium pipi kiri kanan spt kebiasan org amrik)
  • Belajar lah dasar sanitasi dan penjernihan air
  • Biasakan lah menggunakan senjata api, belajar menembak dan membersihkan senjata api.
  • Selalu sediakan kotak p3k dan belajarlah tuk menggunakannya
  • Cari lah 5 org kawan yg anda percaya dalam radius 100mil dan selalu berkontak.
  • Ambilah salinan Undang-undang US dan baca lah
  • Kurangin makan
  • Carilah sepeda dan 2 set ban cadangan, bersepedalah 10 mil tiap minggu
  • Pikirkanlah apa yg mesti kamu bawa jika kamu harus meninggalkan rumah dalam waktu 10 menit dan tak akan pernah kembali lagi.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Eargasm of the Day: DJ Danger Mouse (The Grey Album) - Moment of Clarity

Pulling a throwback out for Friday's eargasm.  Revisit this audio masterpiece by DJ Danger Mouse mixing Jay-Z's lyrics from the Black album with The Beatles instrumentals from the White album.  It really is a thing of beauty.

Later Boners,


David Brent meet Michael Scott

Finally, Ricky Gervais and Steve Carell appeared together on the office.  I know some people are bitching that it only lasted a minute, but I find I do my best work in that alloted time (cut to all my ex-gf's nodding)
Anyway, here's the video and enjoy!

Domo Arigato,


Profesi Sule diluar OVJ


After eight years of "Inglês no vestibular", I have just released this book called Easy English. The proposal is quite similar to the previous one: a book with all the grammar contents explained in a way that everybody is able to understand. Moreover, there are hundreds of tests, interesting texts and lists of words at the end of each chapter for you to learn and practice the English language.
I hope it helps you to reach your goals, whatever they are.

Milton França


Hi, folks. Here I am again after a few months without posting anything. I promise not to stay away for so long.
Here is a text for you to practice your knowledge of English. It is part of a Vestibular test from the Federal University of Santa Catarina/2011.
Read the text and try to answer the four questions about it, writing the number of the propositions which are correct.
See you soon! Milton França.

Poverty and social exclusion are a major challenge for humanity. According to the Human Development Report 1997, a quarter of the world's population remains in severe poverty, despite the major advances in reducing poverty made during the 20th century. At the same time, social inequality, marginalization and discrimination still exclude many people from full participation in economic, political and cultural life. While poverty and social exclusion represent common problems to policy makers in both poor and rich countries, new initiatives have been developed to combat these problems, initiatives which merit being called "Best Practices".

What are Best Practices? The idea of creating a database for Best Practices is based on the observation that carefully documented case histories can provide excellent guidelines for policy making and planning of new projects. The goal of a database on Best Practices is to present and promote creative, successful and sustainable solutions to social problems arising from poverty and social exclusion in order to build a bridge between experimental solutions, research and policy.

Best Practices are model projects or policies aimed at improving the quality of life of individuals or groups suffering from poverty or social exclusion. They are typically based on the cooperation between national or local authorities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and local communities, the private sector, and academic communities. They include a variety of activities in all parts of the world:

• In England: “The Big Issue”, a magazine sold by homeless people so they can earn a living and re-integrate into society.
• In India: 4,000 women established the Shri Mahila SEWA Sahakari Bank to provide credit at reasonable rates to self-employed women workers.
• In Brazil: the “Living Library” was created to make reading and writing an everyday activity for poor children to combat high rates of failure at elementary school.

Calling these activities Best Practices is to suggest that they can and should be replicated, that ideas can and should be generated from them, and that they can and should contribute to policy development.

1. Select the CORRECT proposition(s), according to the text.
01. Nowadays, criminality is related to social problems like poverty.
02. Twenty-five percent of the world’s population is still in great poverty.
04. Actions are being taken to diminish poverty and social exclusion.
08. Marginalization is the main cause of economic and political crises.
16. Rich countries can offer solutions for problems such as social exclusion.
32. In the 20th century, much progress was made in decreasing poverty.

2. What does the text say about “Best Practices”?
Select the CORRECT proposition(s).
01. They provide ideas for improving the living standards of the underprivileged.
02. They depend on the economic cooperation of many sectors, mainly that of volunteers.
04. They should serve as examples for the planning of new actions to combat social problems.
08. They are projects aimed only at helping people who live in poor countries.
16. They are ideas that can be used in projects for technological development.

3. As for initiatives to fight poverty and social exclusion, we can CONCLUDE from the text that:
01. in England, a big issue was planned for building a community center.
02. non-governmental organizations became the only source of help.
04. the government in India created a bank to help unemployed women.
08. the use of a database on Best Practices is a good way to obtain strategies for policy making.
16. in Brazil, a model project is being implemented to improve students’ performance.

4. Considering the text, select the proposition(s) in which there are two expressions that are SIMILAR.
01. According to / As stated by the Human Development Report 1997, a quarter of the world's population remains in severe poverty.
02. At the same time / In contrast, social inequality, marginalization and discrimination still exclude many people from full participation in economic, political and cultural life.
04. While / Therefore poverty and social exclusion represent common problems to policy makers in both poor and rich countries, new initiatives have been developed to combat these problems.
08. The goal of a database on Best Practices is to present and promote solutions to social problems in order to / so as to build a bridge between experimental solutions, research and policy.
16. Best Practices are model projects or policies aimed at / unplanned for improving the quality of life of individuals or groups suffering from poverty or social exclusion.

Hasil Kelulusan PLPG DIKNAS dan DEPAG Rayon 5 UNRI Kuota 2010

Panitia Sertifikasi Guru (PSG) Rayon 5 UNRI, pada 17 Desember 2010 telah mengumumkan hasil kelulusan Pendidikan dan Latihan Profesi Guru (PLPG) dalam jabatan di Lingkungan Dinas Pendidikan dan Departemen Agama Provinsi Riau dan Provinsi Kepulauan Riau Kuota 2010.

Berikut dokumen/file pengumuman daftar nama-nama hasil kelulusan PLPG Diknas dan Depag Rayon 5 UNRI Kuota 2010 yang dapat diunduh dengan mengklik tautan di bawah.

>> Hasil PLPG Diknas Rayon 5 UNRI Kuota 2010
>> Hasil PLPG Depag Rayon 5 UNRI Kuota 2010

Sumber : Website Rayon 5 UNRI

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Eargasm of the Day: Rob Zombie - The Red Red Kroovy

One of my favorite rock'n'rollers of all time.  Rob Zombie with an oldie but goodie.  Check out his smokin' hot wife Sheri.  She will make you smile, amongst other things ; )  ...yea that's a nerd wink.



My torrid one sided love affair with all things Gaga is over

 I can deal with the meat dress and the hair based outfits, but I've finally reached my breaking point.  I imagine this is what John Mayer felt like after his 12 hour relationship with Taylor Swift.  The juice isn't worth the squeeze.

The straw that broke the proverbial camel's back would be blood and semen.  Yep, you read correctly.  A source close to Lady Gaga announced the pop star wants her new perfume to smell like blood and semen. (source)  Which would be great if I wanted to pick up a girl who smells like she just got done with a gang bang.

Listen, I get the primal factor in all this.  We're all monkeys who don't think they're monkeys, who like to lie a lot. (props Joe Rogan) But, usually I'm trying to mask the smell of blood and semen off me so as not to arouse suspicion.

Granted this source could be full of shit, but I'll have to side with history here and feel pretty confident Gaga's new fragrance will be called, Scarlet Bukakke.

Domo Arigato Radio Gaga,


Permendiknas No 2 Tahun 2011 Tentang Ujian Sekolah/Madrasah dan Ujian Nasional Pada SD/MI dan SDLB Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011

Pemerintah melalui Menteri Pendidikan Nasional telah menetapkan peraturan tentang Ujian Sekolah/Madrasah dan Ujian Nasional Pada Sekolah Dasar/Madrasah Ibtidaiyah dan Sekolah Dasar Luar Biasa Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011, yang dituangkan dalam Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional Nomor 2 Tahun 2011.

Permendiknas No 2 Tahun 2011 ini berisi tentang :

1. Ketentuan Umum
2. Hak dan Persyaratan Peserta Ujian
3. Pelaksanaan Ujian Sekolah/Madrasah
4. Pelaksanaan Ujian Nasional
5. Kelulusan Peserta Didik
6. Pelaporan
7. Biaya
8. Sanksi
9. Penutup

Pada Lampiran Permendiknas No 2 Tahun 2011 ini berisi berupa kisi-kisi soal UASBN Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011 yang meliputi tiga bidang studi yaitu Bahasa Indonesia, Matematika, dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam.

Bagi yang ingin mengunduh Permendiknas No 2 Tahun 2011, silahkan klik tautan di bawah ini.

>> Permendiknas No 2 Tahun 2011

Bromance w/ Michael Cera, Tony Danza and Martin Starr (alleged equine sodomizer)

Nice to see Nick Kroll in a cameo too.  By the way if you aren't watching The League on FX then drop everything you're doing be it work, your baby, groceries or your erection and get caught up on the greatest show since Archer.

Domo Arigato,


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Eargasm of the Day: Arctic Monkeys- Fluorescent Adolescent

What a great video by the blokes from across the pond.  This video also reinforces by distaste for all things 'clown', can't trust them.  They aren't funny, they never pull out and don't call when they say they will.  Fuckin' tossers.

Honk Honk Later Boners,


Behind the Raucus: 2010-11 Winter Line Sneak Peak

Welcome to a sneak peak of the new winter line for Raucus Nature.  We're coming out with a long sleeve black thermal Henley for dudes and a organic long sleeve v neck for the girls.  Both garments are incredibly soft, but what sets them apart are the patches.

Throughout these videos we take you through the steps of the 'Cut and Sew' process.  The garments will be completed Friday, January 28th and ready for sale!

This is a limited edition run; so much like my virginity at Scout Camp once it's gone, it's gone.

Domo Arigato,


WIngman of the Week: Jim Jefferies

Jim is an Aussie throwback.  He'll not only help you procure an escort, he'll also help you take her to Poundtown and dispose of the body.  A true gent and that's why he's the Wingman of the Week.

However, much like when I move to a new neighborhood and have to go door to door making awkward confessions, I feel compelled to warn you this video is extremely offensive.  He gives Mel Gibson a run for his money as the craziest thing to come out of Australia.

That being said I laughed so hard I cried.

You've been warned.

Also:  Mags and Jim Jefferies look eerily similar.  Just a heads up Mags, you might want to think of shaving that goatee if and when there is a nation wide man hunt for Jim due to his love of murdering hookers.  What do you guys think?

Later boners,


[Hilário] Cão nas dorgas falante

Quero ver alguem não rir disso o/

Não dê drogas para o seu cachorro D:

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Eargasm of the Day: AC/DC - Whole Lotta Rosie

     A classic tune from a classic heavy metal band.  Although the song is awesome, it's watching the giant inflatable fat chick slowly take over the stage that really makes the video POP!



Misteri Kappa – Dewa Air dari Jepang

Di dalam mitologi agama Shinto di Jepang, ada sebuah legenda mengenai makhluk yang diidentifikasikan sebagai dewa air. Makhluk itu disebut Kappa. Namun, tidak seperti makhluk mitologi lainnya, saat ini, paling tidak ada 4 mumi Kappa yang tersimpan dengan rapi di Jepang dan Belanda.
Kappa yang sering diidentifikasi sebagai dewa air memiliki berbagai macam sebutan. Nama lain dari makhluk ini diantaranya adalah Kawataro (bocah air), Kawaka, Kawaranbe, Kyuusenbou, Masunta, Mu jima dan Ningyo.
Kappa bisa dijumpai di danau, sungai, mata air dan bahkan di saluran irigasi. Kadang ia digambarkan memiliki bentuk seperti seekor ular, naga, belut ataupun kura-kura.
Namun deskripsi Kappa yang paling populer adalah bertubuh seperti anak kecil, berwajah kera, memiliki tempurung di punggung, rambut panjang dan kulit bersisik yang berwarna kuning hijau. Beberapa catatan mengatakan makhluk ini dapat mengubah warna tubuhnya seperti bunglon.

Makhluk ini juga disebut memiliki bau seperti ikan dan membenci suara keras dan benda logam. Habitat utama Kappa tersebar di wilayah Kyushu dan sungai Sarugaishi di Honshu.
Satu ciri yang unik dari Kappa adalah adanya sebuah rongga tanpa tutup di atas kepalanya. Rongga bulat ini berisi air yang menjadi sumber kekuatan Kappa.
Jadi jika suatu hari anda bertengkar dengan Kappa, sebelum bertarung, berilah hormat terlebih dahulu dengan cara membungkukkan badan. Kappa yang disebut sebagai makhluk yang memiliki tata krama akan segera membalas dengan membungkukkan badannya juga. Dengan demikian cairan di kepalanya akan tumpah dan kekuatannya akan hilang. Hal ini akan memaksa ia mengundurkan diri dari pertarungan.
Walaupun memiliki ukuran seperti anak kecil, Kappa disebut memiliki kekuatan yang besar. Ia berani menyerang seekor kuda dan mampu menarik mangsanya yang bertubuh lebih besar ke dalam air. Menurut berbagai legenda, Kappa mendapatkan kekuatannya dengan meminum darah dan menyantap isi perut mangsanya.
Walau kadang dideskripsikan sebagai makhluk yang jahat, namun banyak legenda menceritakan mengenai Kappa sebagai makhluk yang baik dan pandai mengobati. Jika ia tertangkap dan diminta untuk berjanji agar tidak mengganggu penduduk lagi, ia pasti akan menepati janjinya.
Pertama kali kisah Kappa muncul pada catatan kuno Nihon Shoki yang berasal dari tahun 720 masehi. Di dokumen itu, Kappa disebut “Kawa no Kami“. Pada periode Edo, Ilustrasi mengenai Kappa muncul dalam antologi-antologi dan lukisan. Pada tahun 1910, Kappa mulai mendapat popularitasnya setelah sebuah kisah yang berjudul Tono Monogatari terbit. Dalam kisah itu diceritakan mengenai beberapa makhluk legenda termasuk Kappa.
Namun pada masa ini, Kappa lebih banyak digambarkan sebagai tokoh kartun dengan karakter yang lucu.
Di Jepang, sampai saat ini masih ada sebuah pepatah populer yang berbunyi “Seekor Kappa tenggelam di sungai” yang berarti “bahkan seorang ahlipun bisa melakukan kesalahan“.
Seperti yang sudah saya singgung di atas, saat ini diketahui ada 4 mumi Kappa yang tersimpan rapi di beberapa tempat. Namun seperti mumi makhluk aneh lainnya,  mumi Kappa juga dianggap sebagai hasil pekerjaan tangan seniman zaman Edo dengan cara menggabungkan bagian-bagian tubuh berbagai hewan.
Namun teori ini masih belum mendapat peneguhan dari forensik ilmiah.
Dibawah ini adalah 4 mumi Kappa yang saya maksud :
Mumi Kappa di National Museum of Ethnology di Leiden, Belanda

Mumi ini dianggap sebagai hasil karya seni yang dibuat dengan cara menggabungkan berbagai bagian tubuh hewan dan dipercaya dibuat untuk tujuan karnaval pada masa periode Edo.
Mumi Kappa di Kuil Zuiryuji di Osaka

Mumi ini memiliki panjang 70 cm dengan bentuk seperti manusia dan diperkirakan berasal dari tahun 1682.
Mumi Kappa di pabrik sake Matsuura di kota Imari

Menurut brosur yang dirilis perusahaan sake ini, mumi itu ditemukan di dalam sebuah kotak kayu pada tahun 1950an oleh seorang tukang bangunan di langit-langit sebuah rumah ketika ia sedang mengganti atapnya. Melihat anehnya makhluk itu, nenek moyangnya kemudian mewariskan mumi ke anak cucunya. Pemiliknya kemudian membangun sebuah altar kecil dan menahbiskan mumi ini sebagai dewa air.
Mumi Kappa di tempat peziarahan di perfektur Kumamoto

Mumi Kappa yang ke-4 terletak di sebuah tempat peziarahan di perfektur Kumamoto. Namun mumi ini tidak memiliki bagian tubuh yang lengkap melainkan hanya sebuah potongan tangan yang dipercaya sebagai milik Kappa.

Selain empat mumi tersebut, di sebuah kuil yang bernama kuil Kappa di wilayah Ueno Asakusa, Tokyo, ada juga sepotong tulang tangan yang dipercaya sebagai milik Kappa.

Menurut pengelola kuil, tempat dimana kuil berdiri dahulu adalah sebuah daerah aliran sungai yang tidak memiliki saluran air yang baik sehingga tempat itu sering dilanda banjir. Konon para penduduk lokal kemudian membangun saluran air dengan bantuan Kappa yang tinggal di sungai Sumida.
Sayang sekali hingga saat ini tidak pernah dilakukan penelitian forensik terhadap mumi-mumi ini sehingga kita masih belum bisa mengetahui keasliannya.

Drinking Raucus: Cody & Bromley vs The Hot Hispanic Hooker

This shot was just awful, we combined Tequila, Tabasco and Oyster juice.  It was like blowing a yeti.  Taken from that perspective, Bromley is a huge whore for swallowing while I remain classy with my choice to throw it up. Enjoy!

Later Boners,


The Most Interesting Black Man in the World

Billy Dee Williams is as cool as the other side of the pillow.  That is all, enjoy!

Domo Arigato,


Monday, January 24, 2011

Banksy Identity almost revealed...

    For those of you who are not familiar with Banksy, he is a street artist from Bristol, UK, and has become pretty fucking famous these past few years for his work around the world.  His popularity has continued to grow since the release of, "Exit Through The Gift Shop" which was released on March 5, 2010.  You can get your copy here!

Check out the movie trailer below:

It is a behind the scenes look at the world of a street artists and the constant obstacles and bullshit they must conquer on a daily basis in order to share their vision with the world.  I have included just a few of Banksy's pieces below including the counterfeit English note he created and was documented in the film.  He removed the Queen's head and replaced it with Princess Diana's.  He printed upwards of a millions dollars worth of the counterfeit note.  Well played sir.

Counterfeit English Note

If you would like to learn more about this street artist, check out his website.

Now that we have that background information out of the way, let's get down to the point of the post.  It was recently brought to my attention, from the help of Miss Liz, that some asshole spent three years of his life searching out the true identity of Banksy.  Why would anyone feel the need to do that you may ask, well my friends, it's a little word called GREED and it is amazing to see the lengths people will go for just a little more of that fix.

Turns out that after three years of constant searching and multiple jerk-off sessions, this joker actually found out!  You can read more on the story, here.  There were a total of 38 bids on a piece of paper with the artist's real birth name on it, that's it, a cum stained napkin with some dudes name on it.  Highest bid, a cool million.  In the end, the seller withdrew the offer and said this, "I spent three years finding the answer.  I was paid off, now I can tell you nothing.  All I can give you is this photograph." (

Normally, I would supply you with the photograph, however, this post would be bullshit and go completely against its intention if I did, so if you want to see it, google that shit!

What is wrong with people today?  We have this incredible street artist, whose has been able to keep his identity unknown for his entire art life and someone decides to come along and destroy the entire allure that is Banksy.  It's similar to unmasking a superhero, if everyone knew that Spider-man was actually some little bitch named Peter Parker, people may stop wanting to be saved.  "I'm being robbed, spider-ma.., nah, fuck that douche, I can't let fucking Parker save my ass."

If Banksy's identity was revealed to all his followers, it would impact his artwork tremendously.  The messages behind his work and the symbolism is so powerful, it can only come from someone anonymous because if it turns out that Banksy is some guy named Steve who works at the Quickie Mart, the message doesn't carry the same power.

To end my rant I am glad that this character was paid off and if it was a hoax, which is not Banksy's style in my opinion, then that's fine too.  As long as he remains anonymous, his art and his message will continue to carry the same message.

Thanks for reading,

There's a new kid on the block

Anderson Silva, Jose Aldo, Junior Dos Santos, Lyoto Machida, and Justin Lawrence; if you're wondering why the name Justin Lawrence doesn't seem to register with the names of four of the greatest MMA fighters on the planet, wonder no more. That's because Justin 'The American Kid' Lawrence is the latest addition and rage of the coveted 'Blackhouse' family. Only 20 years old with one professional fight under his belt, this kid is about to take the MMA world by storm.

It's okay if you're skeptical that I may be over hyping a kid with just one pro fight. However, when you impress both the management and fighters, especially UFC Middleweight champion Anderson Silva, of such a high level selective team like 'Blackhouse', one need to stop and take notice. This is exactly what I and everyone else is starting to do. Yet, when you realize his background, you begin to understand he's been preparing for this practically his whole young life.

Raised in Pacific, Missouri, a suburb of St. Louis, Justin's been training as long as he can remember. His father Benny Voyles, a former professional boxer and kickboxer with a background in Kempo Karate, owns a gym called 21st Century Self Defense. At just six years of age, Justin began training in his father's gym, first in Kempo, then eventually kickboxing. "If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be where I'm at today. I'd probably be looking for some dead end job in Pacific," Lawrence said.

A natural athlete, Justin also has wrestled since the third grade and played high school football. He excelled so much in both, that he placed in states multiple years in wrestling and in football; he helped snap a six year winless streak, 0-60, that is a national record for consecutive losses. With a 4.4 seconds time in the 40 yard dash, his junior year he ran for 275 yards and three touchdowns against St. James High School to help end Pacific's losing streak. They went on to win three games that year and three the following year. Besides himself, he credits the coach hired his junior year George Hinkle. "He inspired me so much; he didn't just coach me, but taught me that discipline, just like in the fight game, translates to everyday life."

However, it was boxing and kickboxing that Justin lived for and he excelled there as well. He's a six-time national kickboxing champion and also a two-time St. Louis Golden Gloves champion. When I asked him why he chose to pursue MMA versus boxing he said, "When I was 12, 13, 14 years old, all I dreamed about was being the next great boxer; at that time MMA wasn't as big yet. However, all of sudden MMA exploded in this country and seeing that I was also a wrestler I thought it was a natural fit for me."

It's been so natural that a family friend who also happened to know Ed Soares and Anderson Silva took it upon himself to suggest to Soares that he needed take a look at Lawrence as a prospect. So, on that word Justin was flown to Blackhouse for an opportunity to train and assist Silva for his fight against Chael Sonnen. "When I flew out there, I wasn't expecting anything. I was just going to get that experience of training with the greatest fighter in the world."

Noticing Soares and the Blackhouse fighters weren't going to give him any respect he didn't earn, he was thrown to the wolves as he was put to spar with arguably the best pound for pound fighter in the world in Silva. "It's the hardest I've ever been hit, but I held my own," he said. Also holding his own on the ground, he not only earned respect from Blackhouse, but something else.

He was offered a contract to sign with Blackhouse management and to be a part of one of the most revered fight teams in the world. After discussing it with his parents, there was nothing further to think about. Since then, he had his pro debut on the undercard of the December, 2010 'Strikeforce: Henderson vs. Babalu 2' event. In a fight where he was listed as a 3-1 underdog, he won a unanimous technical decision, totally dominating his opponent.

Not officially signed with any promotion at this time, Justin and his team are currently fielding offers for his next fight. When asked where he would like to be 10 years from now, his response was simply, "I just want to be known as the best, most well-rounded fighter in the world. What Georges St. Pierre is now, I want to take to the next level."

A strong believer in "I believe everything happens for a reason," Justin goes into every fight with '2 Corinthians 2:14' tattooed on his chest and 'Jesus Saves' embroidered on his shorts. "If it weren't for him to give me the talent, to give me the discipline to do what I do, I wouldn't be here." Look out world, there's a new kid on the block; an 'American Kid'.

Justin Lawrence would like to thank first and foremost, his parents, especially his dad, for giving him the opportunity to do what he loves and for pushing him when he needed to be pushed. He also wants to thank Ed Soares and the entire Blackhouse family. 21st Century Self-Defense Academy along with Pat Benson, his first Jiu-Jitsu coach and Nick Bellon for stepping up on short notice when it was needed.

I want to thank Justin Lawrence for his time during this interview and also Mike Ramirez from Blackhouse for helping to arrange it.

Eargasm of the Day: Say Anything - Got Your Money $ (cover)

What do you get when you have a punk band from the City of Angels cover a song by a Brooklyn native and founding member of the Wu-Tang Clan?

A completely awkward, but brilliant song.  It's like asking your girlfriend to try the freaky stuff you pay the escort for.  You're not sure how it'll turn out, but it has all the makings of something great.

Later Boners,


I never did trust the Cubs...

Growing up a White Sox fan, I was always a bit leery of Cubs' fans.  No one should be having that good of time cheering for that bad of team.  It just didn't feel right, after some sleuthing that would make Woodward and Bernstein proud I stumbled across the Cubs' dark secret.  The fuhr is a fan, which shouldn't be surprising.  Both are lifelong losers who are used to getting shit on.

Domo Arigato Fukudome,


Andy Gray & Richard Keys Laughing At Women's Football

Talking about Andy gray making sexist comments about the the female linesman in the Liverpool vs Wolves game is grabbing a lot of news in the past couple of days. He's been doing that for a long time apparently, but frankly who can blame him after watching this! Saw it while reading early doors!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Mengecek hasil kerja

Cerita yang sungguh berarti bagi kita sebagai tenaga penjualan khususnya,
serta sebagai atasan pada umumnya...

Mengecek Hasil Pekerjaan Sendiri

"Segala sesuatu yang dijumpai tanganmu untuk dikerjakan, kerjakanlah itu
dengan sekuat tenaga".

Satu saat saya sedang membeli lampu neon untuk penerangan rumah. tengah saya
memilih barang, seorang pemuda masuk dan langsung numpang menelpon
seseorang. Memang, toko di bilangan jalan Sekawan Raya, Bumi Citra Fajar -
Sidoarjo tempat saya belanja itu menyediakan semacam "telepon umum" dengan
pesawat yang menggunaka coin box. Karena hanya di sebelah saya, tak sengaja
menyimak percakapannya.

Ia berkata. "Bu, apakah Anda membutuhkan tenaga bantuan untuk membersihkan

Wanita di telepon itu sepertinya menjawab,"Saya sudah membayar seseorang
untuk membersihkannya".
"Bu, anda dapat membayar saya dengan setengah harga saja".
Tetapi, sepertinya wanita itu sudah puas dengan hasil kerja orang yang sudah
bekerja padanya. Namun pemuda itu tidak mengenal putus asa dan menawarkan,
"Bu, saya juga akan menyapu pinggiran jalan serta trotoar depan rumah anda,
sehingga anda akan memiliki halaman yang selalu bersih dan asri".
Lagi-lagi wanita di seberang telepon itu sepertinya menolak.

Dengan senyum, pemuda itu meletakkan gagang telepon. Rupanya selain saya,
sang pemilik toko peralatan lampu dan listrik itu juga memperhatikan
percakapan pemuda itu. Ia menghampiri pemuda itu dan berkata; "Mas, saya
suka dengan sikapmu itu. Saya mengagumi semangat yang kau miliki. Bagaimana
kalau kamu bekerja untuk saya saja?"

Pemuda itu menjawab sambil menggelengkan kepala, "Tidak, Pak, terima kasih,
sebenarnya tadi saya hanya sedang mengecek hasil pekerjaan saya sendiri".

Note :

Cerita diatas mudah2an mengilhami kita semua bahwa kadang2 kita perlu juga
melakukan pengecheckan hasil kerja kita sendiri langsung ke
customer..."Apakah mereka sudah puas dengan pekerjaan kita ?"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Maria Sharapova Australian Open 2011

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UFC Fight Night Review/Strikeforce Preview

While there is no way any of us could ever repay those who serve this country and protect our freedom on a daily basis, the UFC did their small part. For the second time, the UFC held a live fight card on a military base to honor our soldiers and to raise money for the 'Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund'. This organization supports our troops who are injured in battle, especially traumatic brain injuries, and the families of those who have made the ultimate sacrifice.

Fighting at Fort Hood in Killeen, Texas, the UFC put on a nice show headlined by lightweights (155 lbs.) Evan Dunham (11-2, 2 KO's, 6 subs) and Melvin 'The Young Assassin' Guillard (27-8-2, 17 KO's 2 subs). In the main event, Guillard, a replacement for injured Kenny Florian, who was Dunham's original opponent, made the most of his opportunity as he devastatingly pummeled Dunham for a first round referee stoppage.

Always possessing all the tools and God given gifts, the 27 year old Guillard appears to finally be putting it all together under the tutelage of MMA trainer extraordinaire Greg Jackson. A package of superior hand speed, power and athleticism are the reason why Guillard has won his last four in a row and seven out of his last eight. In his post-fight interview he said, "You keep lining them up and I'll keep knocking them down on my way to a title shot by the end of the year or early 2012; I promise you that."

The co-main event didn't last very long as former NFL player and heavyweight up and comer Matt 'Meathead' Mitrione upped his record to (4-0, 3 KO's) as he smashed, or should I say thrashed, Tim 'The Thrashing Machine' Hague (12-5, 7 KO's 3 subs) with a TKO in the first round. Using a stiff left jab, while extremely light on his feet, and finishing with a powerful right hand, Mitrione is starting to make some noise in the big boy division of the UFC.

The main card featured a fight in the featherweight (145 lbs.) division between Mark 'The Machine' Hominick (20-8, 9 KO's 7 subs) and George Roop (11-7-1, 2 KO's 4 subs). Hominick lived up to his nickname as he was a machine in knocking out Roop in a little over a minute via ref stoppage. The win, Hominick's fifth in a row, guarantees him a title shot against champion Jose Aldo in what should be a dynamite fight. Also, in another heavyweight tilt, tough Joey 'The Mexecutioner' Beltran (12-5, 10 KO's, 1 sub) was chopped down, literally, by kickboxer Pat 'HD' Barry (6-2, 5 KO's). Barry won a unanimous decision using a nice combination of precision punches and vicious round kicks to Beltran's left leg.

In the first fight on the main card, lightweight Cole Miller (17-5, 3 KO's 12 subs) underestimated 'Handsome' Matt Wiman (13-5, 4 KO's 4 subs) as he got beat ugly and was completely dominated for three rounds. Thanks to the troops for their unwavering service and thanks to the UFC for an entertaining free night of fights.

Looking ahead to next Saturday, the Strikeforce promotion returns with not just one, but two championship fights in San Jose, CA. The main event of the evening features welterweight (170 lbs.) champion Nick Diaz (23-7, 12 KO's 7 subs) defending his title against number one challenger Evangelista 'Cyborg' Santos (18-13, 11 KO's 5 subs). Also, the middleweight (185 lbs.) championship is at stake when Ronaldo 'Jacare' Souza (13-2, 10 subs) defends against heavy hitting 'Ruthless' Robbie Lawler (18-6, 15 KO's, 1 sub).

While Santos may be best be known for being the husband of the number one female fighter in the world, Cristiana 'Cyborg' Santos, he is a dangerous fighter in his own right. However, of his 13 losses, 8 have been via KO, which may prove to be a problem against the slick punching Diaz who possesses underrated knockout power. A Cesar Gracie black belt in jiu-jitsu as well, the champion has no weaknesses, is just stepping into his prime and should have no problem retaining his title.

The other bout is a classic grappler vs. striker match-up that will be a battle of which fighter can impose their will on the other. Souza, very slick on the ground, has fought some good fighters, but no one with the punching power that Lawler possesses. A former 'ICON Sport' middleweight champion, Lawler, the former UFC veteran, is (7-2-1) in his last 10 fights and coming off a 50 second knockout of Matt Lindland. Only 28 years old with a wealth of world class experience, I think this is Robbie Lawler's time and he will make the most of it with a KO victory over 'Jacare'.

If you are interested in donating to the 'Intrepid Fallen Heroes Fund', you can call 1-877-747-HERO (4376) or go to FIGHTFORTHETROOPS.COM