Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Vaidade sem preconceito
Vaidade a era dos homens, eles arrumam as unhas, sobrancelhas, fazem cortes modernos e se cuidam.
Já ouviu falar de metrosexual? Não! Essa expressão surgiu pela junção de metropolitano mais heterossexual e, foi criada em 1994, pelo crítico inglês Mark Simpson. Que significa exessividade masculina.
Perfumes, cremes, hidratantes, salões de beleza, SPAs, lojas, shoppings, roupas e calçados de marca. Só de ouvir falar nestes acessórios de beleza, logo todos já pensam, na “mulherada”! Não podemos nos esquecer que essa expressão era usada com mais freqüência há algum tempo atrás. Hoje é diferente! Esses meios não são mais reservados somente às mulheres. É tão normal ver homens nos salões de beleza como mulheres no mercado de trabalho.
A necessidade de estar bonito ou mais apresentavel faz com que os homens se preocupem mais com a beleza e com a saúde. Antes, eles só faziam barba e cortavam os cabelos, mesmo assim era por convenção social. Tinham um preconceito enorme com aqueles que se cuidavam. Porém hoje os homens mudaram seu modo de pensar e perceberam que ser vaidoso não é deixar de ser “macho”.
Nos dias de hoje, os rapazes arrumam as unhas, sobrancelhas, fazem cortes modernos, depilam, usam esfoliante e hidratantes para todo corpo. Têm alguns que usam até uma “make” bem de levinho e discreta, para disfarçar aquelas espinhas e ruguinhas.
A estudante Hellen Alves de16 anos, fala a respeito da vaidade masculina: “Estava na hora dos homens se preocuparem mais com a beleza, deixando para trás aqueles preconceitos machistas”.
“Gosto de estar arrumado e de me cuidar, mesmo assim não me acho metrossexual e, sim vaidoso. Não sou exagerado!” comenta o jovem Rafael Luiz.
Quem também se beneficia com a evolução do homem somos nós mulheres. Afinal um homem moderno chama bastante atenção. E sua vaidade como está? Lembre-se que é sempre bom estar com a auto-estima elevada. Mas não se esqueça que tudo em excesso pode causar problemas, até mesmo a vaidade.
Monday, June 28, 2010
A Stitch in time is all you need
Jacob Duran, or 'Stitch' as he is more commonly known, is easily the most recognizable and popular cutman in the world of MMA and boxing. An expert in his chosen field of endeavor, he has successfully turned cotton swabs and Vaseline into an art form that has transcended outside the cage and ring. There's so much to this success story; his life is being chronicled in a book to be released in the fall. I was lucky enough to talk to the man recently about this and so much more.
With the growth of the sport of MMA and the UFC, Stitch's popularity has grown as well. So much so, he's made wrapping hands and working cuts something people aspire to do. There is one problem though, while most athletic commissions require a license, they do not require formal training or certification. When asked about this Stitch said, "this is a problem, which is why I have begun to initiate programs to educate commissions including a video presentation I have produced."
He's also produced a documentary entitled 'Boxer's Nightmare', which focuses on the many pitfalls, including finances, that befalls fighters once their careers are over. Unfortunately, to this point it has fallen on deaf ears because "the powers that be, which are the one's making money on the fighters don't want it to interfere with their business."
Not settling for working in the biggest MMA organization in the world or with boxing champions such as the Klitschko brothers and Andre Ward, Stitch also has other business ventures. He has his own signature clothing line, has starred in movies and TV shows and is sponsored by another major clothing line and energy drink. He is creating his own line of cutman equipment and has a biography entitled 'From the Fields to the Garden: The Life of Stitch Duran' set for release in late September. Stitch said, "part of the book signing tour will take place around UFC events where I will have appearances at the local sports bars after the Friday weigh-ins."
To truly understand how popular this humble giant has become is summed up in the following story. The wife of a U.S. Marine stationed in Afghanistan bought the Signature Stitch Duran Tapout shirt for her husband. She contacted Stitch to tell him how much her husband and his fellow Marines loved the shirt and it's saying, 'Listo Para La Guerra', which is Spanish meaning 'Ready for War'. Stitch was so moved by this, he decided he wanted to send shirts for the entire unit. When he brought it to the attention of the guys at Tapout, they volunteered to ship the shirts, thus 50 shirts were immediately sent out. Here is a photo Stitch received from the Marine Sargent that he is extremely proud of; it is our nations finest all wearing their signature Stitch Duran shirts:
For a fighter, the cutman doing something wrong in their corner can mean the difference between a win and a loss. That's why more often than not, whether it's stateside or overseas, if either the UFC or a major boxing event is taking place, chances are Stitch Duran is working a fighter's corner. Why? Because when it comes to closing a cut, slowing down swelling or keeping a fighter calm in moments of desperation, a Stitch in time is all you need.
I want to thank Jacob 'Stitch' Duran for granting me this interview; it was a personal honor.
Goal Line Technology
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Motor masa depan
Mach Ness
Pabrikan motor Arlen Ness menciptakan monster metal ini dengan ditenagai oleh sebuah mesin gas-turbine helikopter. Lapisan luar dari alumunium dengan rivet-rivet besarnya yg mencolok mata membuatnya sangat unik yang tidak akan didapatkan dari fiber carbon dan plastik. Bodinya dibentuk seluruhnya dengan tangan, ini yang bikin motor sangar ini sulit masuk jalur produksi massal.
Icare Bike Concept
Kalau merujuk pada desain untuk motor Batman, mungkin inilah yang paling mendekati. Icare tidak hanya suatu konsep yang super keren, tapi juga sebuh desain nyata yang bisa dibuat. Ditenagai oleh mesin Honda 6 silinder berkapasitas 1,8 liter dengan dua exhauts. Saat ini masih belum bisa dipastikan akan diproduksi massal atau tidak.
Swordfish Motorcycle Concept
Kalo pernah membayangkan motor masa depan seperti apa, mungkin tidak ada yang semanis motor ini. Konsep Swordfish Motorcycle dari Alexander Kotlyarevsky ini menunjukkan desain futuristis yang agresif dengan roda hubless-nya. Secara keseluruhan terlihat sangat menarik, kombinasi lekuk-lekuk bodi dan sudut-sudut tajam yang sesuai dengan namanya.
Halbo Future Duo-Wheel BMW
Kalo Anda mencari motor kencang dan yang berukuran kecil serta memanjakan keselamatan Anda, ini mungkin yang Anda cari. Desainer Pierre Yohannes mendesain Halbo untuk orang-orang yang peduli lingkungan yang menginginkan sesuatu yang kompak dan bertenaga listrik. Roda depannya stasioner dan buntut di belakangnya yang berbelok. Jadi seperti mengendarai sebuah motorboat.
Jaguar M-Cycle
Namanya sebenarnya tidak menunjukkan segi kecepatannya. Ini lebih ke arti yang sebenarnya. Konsep Jaguar oleh M-Cycles ini terinspirasi dari bentuk logo dari pabrikan Jaguar. Panjangnya hampir 2,5 meter dengan fitur fiberglass pernis ebony diatas besi bajanya.
Scarab Motorcycle
Namanya seperti kendaraan di gurun pasir, kenyataannya ini didesain untuk situasi perkotaan. Motor ini bisa beradaptasi dengan berdiri saat diparkir untuk mengantisipasi lahan parkir kota yang semakin sempit. Faktanya Anda dan 3 teman Anda dapat menggunakannya dan hanya memakan space untuk sebuah mobil saja. Designer David Miguel Moreira Gonçalves memimpikan Scarab untuk digunakan sebagai kendaraan sewa sebagai solusi transportasi yang nyaman dan ramah lingkungan.
Dodge Tomahawk Motorcycle
The Dodge Tomahawk Motorcycle mungkin satu-satunya motor di daftar ini yang secara teknis sesungguhnya bukan sebuah sepeda motor. Berbasis motor Viper V-10, kendaraan ini punya mesin bertenaga 500 HP dan 4 roda. Menurut the National Highway Traffic and Safety Administration, apapun yang punya lebih dari 3 roda tidak bisa dikategorikan sebagai sebuah sepeda motor. Ini membuatnya juga sulit untuk diproduksi massal. Sayang memang, padahal monster yang satu ini hanyalah sebuah mesin dengan beberapa roda yang menyediakan tenaga besar di antara kedua kaki kita.
ENERGYA Motorcycle
Kalau yang satu ini masih dikategorikan sebagai sepeda motor tulen. Dengan dua roda di depan dan dua buah joknya membuatnya mirip mobil balap, tapi cuma punya sebuah roda belakang. Desainer Higgins-Aube membernya nama "motomobile", hasil kawin silang mobil dan sepeda motor.
Ferrari V4 Motorcycle Concept
Kalo Ferrari bikin motor, bisa dibayangkan kalo acuannya adalah mobilnya. Desainer Amir Glinik menciptakan motor ini dengan lekuk bodi dan sudut dari roh mobil Ferrari, yang mengkombinasikan estetika dan performance. Konsep Ferrari V4 ini mengadaptasi kontrol jet tempur F-16 dan tombol-tombol dari mobil Formula-1.
nUCLEUS Motorcycle Concept
nUCLEUS membuang jauh-jauh apapun dalam pikiran Anda mengenai sosok sebuah motor konsep. Jujur saja, tidak seperti desain konsep motor yang lain, NONOBJECT mendesainnya berbeda sendiri dari inspirasi motor konsep lainnya. Saat tidak digunakan motor ini seperti sebuah kotak yang aneh, tapi saat dikendarai roda-rodanya akan memanjang dan muncul joknya untuk memamerkan kegunaannya.
Magic Tricycle
The Magic Tricycle kedengarannya seperti sebuah mainan anak-anak, tapi kenyataannya adalah sebuah sepeda motor transformer yang ajaib. Saat Anda pengen berada di dalam mobil, motor ini akan merebah ke samping dan menggunakan 3 rodanya dan berfungsi layaknya mobil. Tapi saat Anda pengen ngebut, motor ini akan berdiri dengan roda ketiganya berada di atas, yang diharapkan membantu keseimbangannya.
Speed Racer Alien Motorcycle
Motor ciptaan desainer Dan Bailey ini seperti sesuatu yang muncul di film-film aliens. Berbasis Kawasaki Ninja, motor ini sangat solid, tapi didesain dengan sedikit mengejutkan sekaligus manis. Tidak ada pernyataan apakah motor ini akan diproduksi apa tidak.
2015 Honda CB750 Concept
Motor ini keliatannya seperti pernah dimajinasikan dalam video-video game tahun 90-an. Frame dari carbon fiber, alumunium, dan titanium membuat Honda CB750 2015 ini sanggup membawa beban pengendaranya yang berat. Ditenagai oleh mesin hidrogen cair 4 silinder dan memiliki fitur on boar computers yang dikendalikan sebuah OLED touceh screen. Teknologi radarnya membuat motor ini akan melambat saat akan terjadi benturan. Tentu saja fitur ini bisa dinon-aktifkan kalo Anda tidak menyukainya.
Tentang Maria Ozawa
Dalam sebuah cuplikan video panasnya, gadis berdarah campuran Kanada-Jepang yang baru berusia 21 tahun ini, tak mampu menatap wajah pria yang menjadi lawan mainnya. Ia sendiri bahkan terkejut dengan semua posisi yang dapat dilakoninya dalam film dewasa tersebut.
Lantas bagaimana Maria Ozawa mengawali debutnya hingga menjadi bintang porno yang sangat kesohor itu diantero Asia ? Berikut petikan wawancaranya:
-Nervous nggak ketika menjalani syuting?
Wah, saya nervous banget. Saya tidur lebih cepat pada malam sebelumnya dan bangun kepagian dan masih terus nervous sebelum saya meninggalkan rumah.
-Jadi bagaimana sih proses syutingnya?
Saya sampai nggak mampu menatap wajah lawan main saya. Saya ingin segalanya cepat selesai. Pokoknya, saya benar-benar gelisah deh.
-Kalau bagian adegan seks-nya?
Karena ini merupakan film pertama saya, jadi kayanya nggak ada yang spesial deh. Tapi yang pasti, saya baru tahu ternyata melakoni berbagai macam posisi, lumayan sulit ya. Saya sampai nggak tahu lagi posisi apa yang saya lakukan. Saya tahu mengenai "48 posisi bercinta", tapi ternyata posisi-posisi tersebut tak banyak dipraktekan.
-Lho tapi bukannya kalau sudah mengetahui "48 posisi bercinta" tandanya sudah bagus kan ?
Hahahaha... Saya hanya membeli sebuah kalender yang bergambar posisi tersebut, yang tentunya saya lihat setiap hari sepanjang tahun. Tapi saya hanya membacanya, bukan mempraktekkannya lho.
-Lantas apa yang ada dibenakmu setelah menyelesaikan film pertamamu?
Hmm... Gimana ya? Saya rasa masih banyak yang harus saya lakukan. Saya harus memberikan usaha terbaik ketika membuat film berikutnya.
-Oke.... Sekarang mengenai hal yang lebih pribadi ya. Kapan sih pengalaman seksual kamu pertama kali?
Ketika saya berusia 13 tahun, ya kelas dua SMP-lah.
-Wah, nggak terlalu cepat tuh?
Iya sih, memang cepat. Semua orang berkata saya terlalu cepat, tapi saya tak merasa terburu-buru kok. Hehehe...
-Pasti pacarmu labih tua ya?
Iya, pacar saya kelas tiga SMA.
-Oh.... Apa pengalaman pertamamu berjalan oke?
Ihh... sakit sekali, sampai ingin nangis...
-Lantas apa kamu tidak mau melakukan lagi setelah itu?
Setelah yang pertama itu, memang rasanya saya seperti tak lagi ingin melakukannya. Tapi setelah tiga kali melakukannya, saya jadi terbiasa dan baik-baik saja sehabis itu.
-Setelah itu, berapa banyak pria yang pernah melakukan seks sama kamu?
Enam orang.. Empat diantaranya pacar dan dua lagi bukan pacar.
-Dua orang bukan pacar?
Ya, mereka adalah pria yang ingin saya pacari tapi pada kenyataannya, tak mungkin menjalani suatu hubungan dengan saya.
-Apa sih pengalaman seks tergila-mu?
Pacar saya pernah dirawat di rumah sakit karena mendapat patah tulang, kemudian saya menjenguknya dan kami melakukan hubungan seks disana.
-Wah, pasti pacarmu stres karena tidak bisa menggerakkan anggota tubuhnya yang patah itu ya?
Nggak tuh, dia malah sangat bersemangat. Hahahaha...
Maria Ozawa a.k.a Miyabi adalah fenomena baru dalam dunia industri film porno di Asia setelah berakhirnya era Asia Carera pada tahun 90-an karena AIDS. Gadis muda berusia 21 tahun ini dengan sekejap menjadi kaya meskipun masih tinggal di apartemen yang disewanya sebesar 16 juta rupiah per bulan.
Dengan sewa semahal itu lantas berapa gaji yang dia dapatkan sebulan? Jangan heran jika Miyabi dengan profesi yang digelutinya saat ini bisa mendulang 8000 USD dolar per bulannya (sekitar 75 juta rupiah). Tinggal di apartemen mewah yang lebih mirip dengan mansion lengkap dengan segala perabotan serba wah, ia lebih senang hidup menyendiri setelah diusir dari rumah dan dijauhi teman-temannya.
Awalnya kehidupan Miyabi dengan kedua orangtuanya baik-baik saja, sampai pada suatu ketika orangtuanya melihat Miyabi tampil bugil di sebuah majalah porno Jepang. Seketika itu meledak lah murka orangtuanya demi melihat Miyabi kecil yang masih remaja polos melakukan hal yang tidak pantas dilakukan anak seusianya.
Meskipun demikian Miyabi tetap menjalankan profesinya, dari sekedar foto-foto telanjang berlanjut ke film. Miyabi kembali cari gara-gara ketika membawa 20 film porno yang ia bintangi ke rumah dan ia tunjukkan ke orangtuanya. Sejak itu kedua orangtuanya tidak mau melihat dan mengakuinya lagi sebagai anak.
Bahkan teman-teman dekatnya yang dulu akrab dengannya satu persatu mulai meninggalkannya. Mereka alergi di cap berteman dengan seorang bintang film porno, sungguh menyedihkan. Namun sebagai wanita muda yang punya ambisi besar, situasi ini tidak membuatnya patah arang untuk melanjutkan profesinya, demi uang ia tetap bertahan dan konsisten !!!
Hidup soliter membuat dirinya pintar memasak. Bagaimana tidak orang seperti dia selalu menghindari membeli makanan di tempat-tempat umum jika tidak ingin diserbu penggemarnya atau dimaki orang-orang yang nyinyir terhadap profesinya. Selain gemar memasak, Miyabi juga paling doyan nonton film-film porno yang ia bintangi sendiri. Semua koleksi video yang ada di kabinet TV-nya adalah film porno. Sebagai bintang film porno papan atas ia juga perlu belajar berbagai posisi penting dari bintang-bintang film porno lainnya.
Meskipun banyak tawaran mengalir untuk hijrah keluar Jepang (Amerika dan Eropa) dan bermain dengan pria-pria bule, Miyabi tetap tidak mau dan tetap memilih tinggal di Jepang dan memilih pasangan main dari pria-pria lokal. Alasannya cukup masuk akal juga. Menurutnya "perabot" pria Jepang lebih kecil dan tahan lama dalam melakukan adegan syur dibandingkan pria bule yang menurutnya memiliki "perabot" lebih besar dan menyakitkan.
Seringkali dalam melakukan adegan di beberapa filmnya, Miyabi tampak menangis dan itu memang benar-benar tampak alamiah. Sebabnya ia sedang tidak menikmati dan benar-benar sakit. Miyabi juga mengancam akan cabut dari AV (PH Film Porno) jika ia dipaksa melakukan adegan atau posisi yang tidak ia sukai. Bahkan dulu pacar-pacarnya (4 orang -- sebelum semuanya diputusin) ketika sedang bersamanya dan ingin menonton film yang ia bintangi, Miyabi selalu tidak pernah mengijinkannya.
Namun setenar apapun dan sebanyak apapun uang yang ia hasilkan dari pekerjaannya saat ini, sosok Miyabi adalah juga manusia normal yang juga merindukan orang tua, sahabat, teman-teman dan keinginannya untuk menikah seperti wanita kebanyakan . Jika saat ini ia melakukan seks untuk bisnis suatu hari nanti ia merindukan ada laki-laki yang ingin menikahinya.
Man in Brazil jails daughter, has 7 kids with her
The man is also accused of abusing a young girl he had with his daughter.
Police allege that Jose Agostinho Pereira, 54, kept his daughter, now 28, under virtual house arrest in a two-room, thatched-roof hut near a tiny fishing village in northeastern Brazil.
An officer who aided in the arrest said the home was located in such a remote, jungle area that the only way to reach it was by using canoes. Authorities said the children appeared to suffer from malnutrition and could barely communicate with others. Most were unclothed.
The alleged abuse began when Pereira’s wife left him in 1998, said police inspector Jair Lima de Paiva.
Pereira has been in jail since Tuesday in the city of Pinheiro in Maranhão state, about 1,400 miles (2,250 kilometers) north of Rio de Janeiro. Charges have not been filed against him. Under Brazilian law, prosecutors only file charges after police have ended their investigation.
It was not immediately known if Pereira had a lawyer.
Paiva said Pereira kept his daughter and the children in nearly complete isolation in the countryside near the village of Experimento, about 50 miles (80 kilometers) outside of Pinheiro.
While the exact ages of the children — four girls and three boys — were not known as none of their births were registered, police believe they range in age from 2-months-old to 12.
“None of them were allowed to leave the house. None can read, they can barely communicate with other people,” said Paiva. “They were all threatened with their lives if they tried to escape or tell anyone about the situation.”
Paiva said police were tipped off about Pereira’s alleged crimes by an anonymous phone call.
Officers from Pinheiro were sent to the remote area about 10 days ago, where they located Pereira’s house, kept it under observation for a few days and then arrested him.
“He confessed to everything,” said a police officer who helped arrest Pereira, speaking on condition of anonymity, as he was not authorized to discuss the case.
Pereira’s daughter and the seven children are now under the care of the government’s protective services.
From The European Union Times - June 13th, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
One must fall to ultimately stand again
Wow, where do I begin? After easily the biggest upset in MMA so far this year, one could argue of all-time, and one of the most exciting fight cards, Strikeforce put on quite a show this past Saturday night. I guess their main event featuring Fabricio Werdum's stunning first round defeat of previously invincible Fedor Emelianenko is where I should start.
The world's greatest mixed martial artist and number one pound for pound fighter Fedor Emelianenko (31-2, 8 KO's 16 subs) was headlining against formidable Fabricio Werdum (pictured above) (14-4-1, 4 KO's 8 subs). In the first 30 seconds it looked like business as usual for the man known as 'The Last Emperor'. With his deceptively quick hands, Fedor threw a four-punch combination that didn't land flush, but just enough to knock Werdum backward to the ground. Unfortunately, this would prove to be the best thing for Werdum and Fedor's downfall.
A Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt, who is a submission wizard on the ground, it was no secret this is where Werdum's best chance to win the fight lied. Thus, in hindsight one must wonder why Fedor decided to follow him there instead of letting his downed opponent get back up? I'm sure he is asking himself the same question, although he did pounce on him in attack mode and was trying to finish with smashing punches. However, Werdum weathered the storm, grabbed Fedor's left arm and in a scramble caught Emelianenko in a tight triangle choke. The Russian phenom fought frantically to escape, but it was to no avail and with the heavyweight Werdum cranking an arm bar while choking his opponent, even the great Fedor Emelianenko was forced to tap. In total, it lasted barely over a minute.
The post fight interviews proved just as interesting and entertaining. Humble in victory, Werdum was ecstatic about his win and when asked about a potential fight with heavyweight champion Alistair Overeem next, Werdum responded by saying, "Fedor, I want to rematch Fedor; he is the best in the world."
As for Fedor, while you could clearly see the disappointment etched in his face, his demeanor was as laid back in defeat as it has always been in victory. His reaction to losing in such a surprising fashion, he said, "One must fall to stand again."
I'm sure that with one fight currently left on his Strikeforce contract Emelianenko is itching to get back in the cage right away to erase the memory of losing to Werdum. It's going to be interesting to see how Scott Coker handles satisfying, his champion Overeem, his number one contender Werdum and his biggest drawing card Emelianenko. One person he won't have to worry about is his Women's 145lbs. Champion Cristiane 'Cyborg' Santos (10-1, 8 KO's 2 subs).
Santos looked dominant in her two round destruction of Jan Finney (8-8, 4 KO's 1 sub), which she won via KO after a vicious onslaught that was completed with a brutal knee to the body. All respects to the game Finney, as she tried to go toe to toe with Santos and when Cyborg got the best of her in both rounds, which was a lot, she never quit. As a matter of fact, I believe this was a case where the referee should have come to the fighter's defense and step in, which she ultimately did, but I feel was way too late.
Referee Kim Winslow, who I personally don't remember seeing before last night's fight, I feel did a poor job overall. On more than one occasion when Cyborg dropped Finney who immediately went into guard mode, Winslow turned to Cyborg and asked her if she wanted the fight standing. That is not the fighter's discretion, but rather the referee's. If you leave it to Cyborg, or any other striker for that matter, of course she's going to want the fight standing. Maybe Fedor needed Winslow to referee his bout.
Second, she penalized Cyborg a point in the first round for an illegal strike to the back of the head, which clearly did happen, but I never heard her give Santos a warning before that. No big deal since the inevitable finish was clearly going to happen, which brings me to the most important point. Finney was clearly outmatched and taking a tremendous beating. Granted this is a judgement call, but in this case it was obvious numerous times there was no reason for the referee to let this beat down continue. Why she did not step in sooner and stop this fight is not only in question, but I felt was getting seriously close to dangerous.
In the other big feature bout, hometown hero San Jose's own Cung Le (7-1, 7 KO's) exacted revenge on Scott Smith (17-7, 14 KO's 3 subs) for his only loss. Le looked sharp with his boxing and take down defense, but it was his patented lightning quick back kick that was ultimately the finisher. Next up for Le, "I got a box of chocolate chip cookies waiting for me; I'm going to eat the whole box."
Finally, sandwiched in between all the exciting fights, the legendary Frank Shamrock announced his retirement as a fighter in the sport. Now working as a color analyst for Strikeforce, Shamrock was eloquent and respectful in his retirement speech, very similar to his fighting style. Unlike most fighters who hang on too long wanting to leave on one last high note, Shamrock, who lost his final two fights, walked away on his own terms. How poignant that two of the sports all-time great fighters, Frank Shamrock and Fedor Emelianenko, both realize that one must fall to ultimately stand again.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Brincando com o tempo
Brincadeiras antigas que ajudam no desenvolvimento do jovem.
Com a chegada da “era industrialização” e posteriormente a globalização, os centros urbanos passaram por grandes transformações, restando apenas os playgrounds, pracinhas, parques e outros poucos espaços de lazer. Gradativamente as crianças foram afastadas do convívio com os adultos e espaços urbanos. Houve um processo de infantilização da brincadeira e uma progressiva desvalorização, já que, num mundo orientado pelo trabalho e pelo lucro, ela é considerada uma atividade não produtiva.
Antigamente não existia variedade de brinquedos e se você quisesse se divertir tinha que usar a criatividade. As brincadeiras antigas mais famosas eram: Amarelinha, bolinha de gude, cantigas de roda, passa anel, roda pião, pipa... Tudo isso fazia parte do cotidiano e assim a criança se divertia por horas e dias.
Quando passávamos em ruas e avenidas, crianças e adolescentes se divertiam em grupos. Mas, com o passar do tempo, e com o avanço da tecnologia os jovens perderam o interesse por esses momentos. A tecnologia está transformando o mundo trazendo a tona brinquedos que não exigem criatividade, muito menos esforço, como: Vídeo games, computadores, internet e sites de relacionamentos muito acessados. Com isso, os jovens estão deixando a “verdadeira” infância de lado.
O mundo infantil foi invadido por jogos eletrônicos, músicas com movimentos sensuais, brinquedos industrializados, representando heróis ou bandidos de desenhos infantis. Com isso, observa-se que, nos dias atuais, os jogos, brinquedos e brincadeiras tradicionais infantis foram perdendo espaço entre as crianças.
Diversão é comum para qualquer tipo de pessoa, seja ela, rica ou pobre, gorda ou magra. Sempre tendo a pretensão de se divertir. “Hoje, não vejo mais crianças brincando, como nos tempos em que me divertia com meus amigos”! Diz Elizabete Aparecida, 34 anos.
Brincadeiras e esportes são essenciais para o desenvolvimento de uma criança, pois isso faz com que ele se exercite, tendo uma vida boa e saudável. Com a chegada dos computadores e brinquedos tecnológicos o índice de obesidade vem aumentado cada vez mais no mundo. E isso pode ser algo realmente grave para a sociedade!
Uma dica é incentivar os jovens de vez em quando retornarem ao modo de se divertir do “passado”. Nada melhor do que tirar um tempo para lembrar que para se divertir não é preciso gastar. Além de ser bem divertido!
Foto: http://migre.me/Rzsq
Monday, June 21, 2010
I am enjoying the World Cup!!!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Ken flows through all channels of MMA
Often I talk about how far the sport of Mixed Martial Arts has come in the last five years, from a virtual underground society to mainstream acceptance. Obviously a lot of that has to do with the success of 'The Ultimate Fighter' reality television show that has just completed it's 11th season and is already on tap to debut it's 12th season this fall. Go back five years to its first season and many of the fighters on the show that first year have gone on to have successful fight careers, including a couple of world championships, and become household names. However, the one person that has surpassed all of the fighters that season in terms of success, mainstream notoriety and popularity is probably the one least likely expected to do so. As a matter of fact, during and after that first season of 'The Ultimate Fighter', many were openly criticizing and questioning if Kenny Florian was even a legit MMA fighter, let alone UFC material. No one is questioning anymore.
A shining example of what hard work, determination and belief in one's self can accomplish, Kenny 'KenFlo' Florian has made the most of his opportunities. He is not just a perennial world class top ten fighter in his weight class, but also a successful business owner, MMA analyst, color commentator, TV co-host and author. He also has challenged, not once, but twice for the UFC Lightweight Championship of the World and is on the verge of getting there again. To get an understanding of what a success story this truly is, just take a look at how much Florian has accomplished in the relative short period of time that is his life.
Growing up in the Boston area, Kenny Florian, who is of Peruvian descent, always loved sports and was a natural athlete. Excelling at various sports, including training in the martial arts, there was one in particular that caught his interest more than all the others. Surprisingly it was not martial arts as one might assume, but rather soccer. Kenny loved the sport, quite possibly being influenced by his South American heritage, and was so good at it that it garnered him a scholarship to prestigious Boston College. There he excelled in both the field and the classroom, ultimately receiving Big East honors, including Academic All-America, and his Bachelor's Degree in Communications. (I knew there was a reason I liked this kid other than his fighting, as I too am a Communications major.)
School and his soccer career over and more mature, Kenny started devoting more time to his interest and training in the martial arts. He began training @ Gracie Barra in Watertown, Massachussetts under the tutelage of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt Roberto Maia, where Kenny would eventually work his way up and attain a black belt ranking of his own. As if this weren't challenging enough, the former college athlete always craving competition decided to compete; not just in grappling tournaments, but in MMA as well. While he earned success early on by winning his first couple of fights, he also was smart enough to realize that BJJ alone would only take him so far as his competition level grew. Thus, began his quest to study different disciplines under some of the best in the world.
A virtual who's who list of names became part of Kenny's resume regarding his training. This included Greco-Roman wrestling star and former UFC competitor Darryl Gholar, Coach of the Cuban National Wrestling Team Alejo Morales, Muay Thai expert and renowned MMA Trainer Mark Dellagrotte and a pilgrimage to the Gracie Barra Academy in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The training @ Gracie Barra under some of the most talented BJJ practitioners in the world raised Kenny's Jiu-Jitsu game to another level; it now became world class. All this and a decision to leave his job and pursue his fight career full-time lead him to his third pro fight in 2004 and a life altering experience.
Forced to fight vastly experienced and talented Drew Fickett, due to a last minute dropout of his original opponent on a fight card in Boston, Kenny not only held his own, but put on a great performance in a split decision loss. In the audience that night just happened to be Dana White, who was scouting Fickett for the first season of 'the Ultimate Fighter'. He was so impressed with what he saw from Florian, as you know he inevitably offered him a spot on the show and not Fickett. Once again making the most of an opportunity, he quietly made it all the way to the finals of the 185lb. Tournament and while he ended up losing, let's understand he went to the finale of a weight class 30lbs. above his normal fighting weight.
Impressed again, White offered Florian a contract anyway and all he's done since then is go 11-2 in the octagon, losing only to Sean Sherk and BJ Penn in two fights for the World Championship @ 155lbs. Always the true martial artist, Florian realizes that defeat only means there is something wrong in his doing, which he needs to correct to overcome his obstacle. Thus, he has looked for other avenues in his training to continue his quest towards another title shot. This has included training with UFC welterweight champion Georges St Pierre.
Along the way, another avenue has opened up for Florian, one he was prepared for and he has taken by the horns. The Communications major was thrust into an analyst role during UFC 83 when Joe Rogan was unavailable and the rest is history. Since that time he has done color commentary for both the UFC and WEC, including this weekend where he worked both shows. He also has earned a co-host slot alongside John Anik for 'MMA Live', a weekly MMA wrap-up show currently seen on ESPN 2. Finally, he writes a blog for ESPN Deportes, their Spanish speaking station. In the middle of all this, he has also found the time to open up his own school as well in Massachusetts; a state of the art academy called Florian Martial Arts that he runs with his brother Keith.
To show you how far Kenny Florian has come in the last five years, three weeks ago while I was in Las Vegas for UFC 114, I was lucky enough to meet Kenny as he did a guest stint with my friends over @ MMAJunkie Radio in Mandalay Bay. When he was done, hotel security had been assigned to escort him back to the convention center where the UFC fan expo was going on, because there was no way he'd make it back to the MMA Live booth without getting mobbed by fans. Five years ago, nobody knew who Kenny Florian was and if they did, they didn't think much of him as a fighter or anything else. Since then, he has shown why he is so aptly nicknamed KenFlo because as you can see, Ken flows through all channels of MMA.
Friday, June 18, 2010
Prisão perpétua?
Jovens constantemente vigiados, essa é uma das ações dos pais super protetores. Esse tipo de comportamento é comum em famílias de diferentes classes sociais. As razões para tanta vigilância são bastante plausíveis, o mundo onde vivemos, infelizmente, está poluído por vários tipos de violências, que acabam gerando diversas preocupações nos responsáveis pelos jovens. Essas preocupações se tornam ainda maior quando se tem a tarefa de educar um jovem.
A vigilância dos pais pode se tornar um problema, quando eles começam a excluir os filhos da sociedade, ao fazer com que fiquem aprisionados em casa, sob seus olhares. Os pais, com as melhores das intenções, constroem um mundo seguro para seus filhos na própria casa, mas não se dão conta que mais cedo ou mais tarde eles terão que viver no mundo, onde não existe a proteção paternal.
Existe jovens que estão tão influenciados com essa situação que não sabem agir longe dos pais, até mesmo o ato de amarrar os sapatos pode ser uma tarefa difícil. A principal conseqüência da super proteção é que ela tende a formar um adulto despreparado para a vida. Isso ocorre devido os pais estarem sempre presentes facilitando tudo para seus filhos.
Segundo a revista Veja, edição de numero: 2160, 14 de abril de 2010, na casa da família paulista Toscano, cada passo de Matheus, de 13 anos, é dado sob o olhar atento dos pais. Fazer trabalho na casa dos amigos, nem pensar. Só há pouco tempo o garoto recebeu autorização para esquentar a própria comida no micro-ondas. A mãe sugeriu que ele lavasse o prato depois do almoço, mas o pai não permitiu: "Ele tem medo que o Matheus se corte. Até hoje meu marido amarra o tênis do filho antes de jogar futebol".
Aparentemente, um jovem sobre a vigilância da sua família está mais seguro, mas a super proteção pode ser uma ameaça para o bom desenvolvimento. Uma das formas é proporcionar ao adolescente a liberdade necessária em cada momento de sua vida. É hora de deixá-lo tomar as rédeas e ser protagonista de sua própria história. Contudo, não deixe de manter-se alerta!
Foto: http://migre.me/Q6vq
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
MMA continues to make history as it grows
Documentário Antenados
A partir desse conceito, os alunos do Projeto Antenados em parceria com a Jornalista em construção Gabriella Pacheco, aceitaram mostrar o seu mundo através do objeto mais comum entre jovens e adolescentes, o celular.
O documentário que é um trabalho acadêmico, trouxe para o grupo de comunicadores a chance de mostrar sua realidade de uma forma atraente tanto para eles, quanto ao publico. Vale a pena conferir esse novo trabalho dos Antenados!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Monday, June 14, 2010
sling photos
Take a look at this runner. Clip this to a bolt and upon quick visual inspection it looks good right?
Here's the side view of the same runner. You can see that the only thing holding it on the biner is the rubber string. In some very informal tests we decided that this rubber would hold about 15 pounds before breaking. We actually didn't break one....this was a guess.